Saint Peter's Presidential Inauguration 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024
List of Inauguration Events

Missioning Mass
10:00 A.M.

Inauguration Ceremony
1:00 P.M.


Pre-Inauguration Events September 19 - October 3

The University community will celebrate the inauguration of Dr. Hubert Benitez with a series of events that highlight our mission to prepare students to Excel Intellectually, Lead Ethically, Serve Compassionately and Promote Justice.  

MLK event inauguration 2024

Martin Luther King Jr. H ’65 Commemorative Mass

Thursday, September 19 from noon - 1:00 p.m. in Saint Peter Chapel

Celebrate an iconic moment in Saint Peter’s history as we prepare for another historic celebration for the University.

Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Office of DEI.

photo of Fr. George Kenny

Special Exhibit: Leadership Legacy: The Presidents of Saint Peter's University

September 19 - October 11 in Research Commons of the O'Toole Library.

See displays of the portraits, artifacts, and photos from past presidential leadership. In addition, there will be a special display of the St. John’s Bible focused on Hope.

Co-sponsored by the Inauguration Committee and the O’Toole Library.

Peacocks Vote! (Mock Election; Part of the Voting is an Act of Love Series)

Thursday, September 26 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in Mac Mahon Student Center

See Dr. Benitez cast the first mock vote and learn how the voting booth works for this upcoming election.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Office of Student Involvement.

2024 Deans' Symposium

Deans’ Symposium - Conversations with the University Deans

Thursday, September 26 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Humanities Lab 006 - O'Toole Library

Learn about each school of the University and how the liberal arts unites them all.

Co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Faculty Development

PERC toiletry drive 2024

Toiletry Drive Bagging for PERC (Palisades Emergency Residence Corporation)

Tuesday, October 1 from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Mac Mahon Student Center (2nd floor)

Give back to the local community by helping to gather and bag personal essentials for those in need.

Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Campus Kitchen.

Interfaith Event and BBQ

Wednesday, October 2 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Roy Irving Theatre and the Quad

Companionship is at the heart of our Jesuit values. Enjoy a BBQ and meet Dr. Benitez.

Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and OSI.

Colombia Fest photo 2024

Colombia Fest

Thursday, October 3 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Roy Irving Theater

Latino pride is on full display as we welcome our first Hispanic president, Dr. Benitez!

Co-sponsored by the Office of DEI, LASO, LALS, and OSI.

Inauguration FAQs

All community members are invited to the Missioning Mass. Members of the faculty and administration and staff and representatives from the student body will be part of the Inaugural Ceremony, as well as invited delegates from colleges and universities, and members of the alumni and greater public.

During the inauguration the campus will host delegates from fellow institutions of higher education, presidents from our partner high schools, leaders from community organizations and local corporations, public officials, donors and other distinguished guests.  In order to accommodate their attendance, all classes, except for any lab sections that are scheduled for that Friday, will be canceled. All faculty are encouraged to offer asynchronous learning activities in place of face-to-face classes on that day. Please note that all offices will remain open.

Please reach out to Angeline Boyer, Executive Director of Communications, at or (201) 761-6238.

Parking will be available in Saint Peter’s Lot No. 1 (Armory Lot) at 686 Montgomery Street between Tuers Avenue and Jordan Avenue. Overflow parking will be available in Lot No. 3 (next to the Yanitelli Recreational Life Center, 870 Montgomery Street between Kennedy Blvd. and West Side Avenue). Complimentary shuttle service will be provided.

The Saint Peter’s campus is easily accessible via public transportation and is minutes from the Journal Square PATH train (via campus shuttle, city bus, taxi, or walking).

Instructions and more detailed information will be provided to all attendees approximately one week prior to the event.

Learn More About Hubert Benitez, D.D.s., Ph.D.

inauguration committee members

Virginia Bender ’78, Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Planning/Chief of Staff Maureen Pergola ’94, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Angeline Boyer ’15, Executive Director of Communications Eileen L. Poiani, HA ’17, Special Assistant to the President
Joseph Costantino, SJ, Superior, Saint Peter’s Jesuit Community Claudia Pope-Bayne ’16, ’22, Assistant Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement
Anna DePaula, Assistant Vice President of Campus Services and Facilities Jan Reimer ’97, ’00, Director of Student Involvement
Carmel Galasso ’79, Regent; St. Aedan’s Volunteer Marquis James, Student – Class of 2025
Glenda Guerrero ’20, Assistant Professor, Data Science Institute Anajai Brown, Student – Class of 2025
John Hammett, Interim Dean of CASE Evony Jones, Student – Class of 2025
Brittany Hanson, Associate Professor of Psychology Rachel Leal, Student – Class of 2025
Devin Heyward, Co-chair, Associate Professor of Sociology/Urban Studies and Director of DEI Scott Torre, Director of Campus Safety
Joseph Hill, Director of University Music Maria Trinidad-Rivera ’99, Executive Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
James Miracky, SJ, Vice President for Mission Integration and Ministry Edgar Valdez, Associate Professor, Philosophy and Director, Male Resource Center
Christina Mortellaro, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and Assessment