The Center for Global Learning

Enjoying the Ride

Maximize Your Time Abroad

You’ll find that your classmates have different study methods and have different views on subjects you might take for granted. You’ll learn from them, as well as from your professors. It might be tempting to hang out only with your fellow Americans. Keep in mind, though, that this is your chance to fully explore a different culture. Get out there and immerse yourself in all that your new surroundings have to offer!

While you’re away, keep in touch with Saint Peter’s

Even though you’re far away, remember that we’re always here to help. You might decide to enroll in courses other than the ones listed on your Study Abroad Approval Form. If so, email your academic advisor for course approval (and copy on this email). We can also help with any academic, housing, or personal concerns you feel are not being addressed by your campus’s on-site staff. Don’t forget that while you are studying abroad you must also confer with us via email to register to enroll in next semester’s classes.

Of course, you can also contact us just to share your experiences. We love hearing from you!