Weidong Zhu, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Physics, Department of Applied Science and Technology

Contact Info
(201) 761-6030
Applied Science and Technology
McDermott, Room 1st Floor, CAS Deans Office
About Dr. Zhu
Dr. WeiDong Zhu is currently the Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs. Former Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Chair in the Department of Applied Science and Technology and Professor of Physics at Saint Peter’s University and the Director of the Center for Microplasma Science. Dr. Zhu earned his B.S. in Physics/Education and M.E. in Material Science and Engineering from Soochow University in Suzhou China in 1998 and 2001, respectively and his Ph. D. in Physics from Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ in 2005.
Dr. Zhu worked in the Center for Bioelectrics at Old Dominion University and at the Non-Thermal Plasma Science and Technology Group in Stevens Institute of Technology as a post-doctoral research associate from 2005-2007, and joined Saint Peter’s University in 2007. Dr. Zhu’s research is focused on the fundamental studies of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas and their applications in biology, biomedicine, dentistry and environment, air pressure plasma devices, excimer light sources, and self-organized pattern formation in DC noble gas discharges. Dr. Zhu has been PI and co-PI on numerous research projects sponsored by the United States Federal Government, the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), as well as the American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund.
Dr. Zhu is a member of the American Physical Society (APS), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a founding member of the International Society for Plasma Medicine (ISPM). Dr. Zhu has co-authored more than 100 conference publications, 50 peer-reviewed journal papers and two book chapters, and holds two U.S. patents and five Chinese patents.
“I teach physics with “student learning” in mind, using peer-instruction, videos and activities connected to real life, simulations for harder to understand concepts and online system. I believe physics should be learned through “doing” and I do so by coupling physics labs to physics concepts studied in the lecture as well as
doing in class demonstrations.”
“I teach physics with “student learning” in mind, using peer-instruction, videos and activities connected to real life, simulations for harder to understand concepts and online system. I believe physics should be learned through “doing” and I do so by coupling physics labs to physics concepts studied in the lecture as well as
doing in class demonstrations.”
Career & Accomplishments
•Stevens Institute of Technology, Ph.D.
•Soochow University, M.Eng.
•Soochow University, B.S.
•Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
•Member of the American Physical Society
•Founding Member of the International Society of Plasma Medicine