Graduate Business


Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Accountancy
Dual MBA/MS in Accountancy

Master of Business Administration

Filomena Durso, Associate Director of the MBA Program

The MBA prepares candidates to manage people, assets, ideas, and technology in a rapidly changing global environment. Courses develop critical-thinking and decision-making skills with a particular focus on operational, strategic, and financial risk. Added benefits of the newly re-designed program include IBM certifications that have been embedded into the curriculum, a strong focus on data and analytical tools, more robust coursework in program concentrations and more flexible course delivery.


Candidates must attain 36 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students elect a concentration upon entrance to facilitate courses in the program path. The MBA degree can be completed in as little as 36 credits if the core curriculum is satisfied by undergraduate courses with grades of B or higher. Waived credits are by permission only, and not an obligation of the University.

MBA Degree:        36 Credits

                              Core Courses:*      21 Credits

                              Concentration:*     9-12 Credits

                              Electives:*             3-6 Credits

                                            *Note: Concentration and elective credits vary.

Level I: Core Courses (21 credits)

These courses provide the foundation for many of the concepts introduced in later courses, and should be taken early in the program. Waivers and/or transfer of credits may be considered as outlined in the Curriculum section above.  Students are to complete their core courses prior to beginning their concentration.

AC-501Managerial Accounting3
GB-511Management & Human Behavior3
GB-530Corporate Finance3
or FN-506 Advanced Corporate Finance
GB-533Enterprise Design Thinking3
or GB-699 Capstone in Corporate Strategy
GB-622Management Economics3
or FN-504 Adv Econometrics and Financial Modeling
DS-650Data Ethics and Artificial Intelligence3
or GB-517 Business Ethics and Sustainability
or FN-516 Financial Ethics
DS-660Business Analytics3
or GB-503 Statistics for Managers
or DS-520 Data Analysis and Decision Modeling
Total Credits21

Level II:  Concentration (12-15 credits)

Concentrations focus the candidate on a specific area to achieve depth of knowledge. Concentrations are available in Business Analytics, Cyber Security, Finance, Health Care Administration, Human Resources Management, International Business, Management, Marketing Intelligence, and Risk Management. Candidates may follow the recommended courses below or may work with the Program Director to design a concentration to meet specific goals and reflect individual backgrounds. 

An additional concentration may be added prior to the degree being awarded and requires an additional 6 credits over the standard degree credits. The additional concentration also can be pursued after the degree is granted, however, as this represents only six credits, federal financial aid is not applicable.

Level II:  Electives (0-3 credits)

These courses provide program breadth outside the area of concentration. Candidates should choose these courses to gain knowledge in areas that will help achieve their career goals. 

Additional Concentrations

Candidates may choose to add additional concentrations to their program of study. Each additional concentration requires that concentration’s credits, 12-15 as stated. The concentration is noted on the transcript.

Saint Peter's alumni who have earned an MBA or MSA from Saint Peter's University may re-enroll for additional concentrations.

Note: A concentration taken after a degree has been awarded is not eligible for federal financial aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. You will be expected to settle your account using cash, employer tuition reimbursement, private loans or other such funds.

Note: Core courses are considered Level I and must be taken before concentration courses.

Concentrations (Level II)

The following concentrations may be included as part of the MBA, MSA or dual MBA/MSA degrees. All are 9 credits, with the exception of Health Care Administration being 12 credits. A second concentration prior to the degree being awarded requires an additional 6 credits above those required for the specific graduate program.

Concentrations are composed of at least one required course and two or three additional courses to complete the concentration as noted below.

Business Analytics (all courses required)15
Intro to Data Science and AI
Data Analysis and Decision Modeling
or GB-503
Statistics for Managers
Python in Data Science
Predictive Analytic & Financial Modeling
Marketing Analytics & Operation Research
or DS-620
Data Visualization
Cyber Security (take 5 of the following)15
Cyber Security Planning & Risk Analysis
Cyber Security Ethical & Legal Concerns
International Communication & Networking
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Disaster Recovery
Cybercrime and Digital Forensics
Data Science12
Intro to Data Science and AI
Data Management Systems
Python in Data Science
Data Structures and Algorithms I
International Finance (required)
or FN-524
International Finance
Financial Statement Analysis
Derivative Markets
Investment Analysis
or FN-514
Financial Engineering and Derivatives
or FN-512
Adv Investment Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt
Health Care Administration (all courses are required)12
Health Care Financing & Risk Management
Current Issues & Policies in Health Care
Health Care Administration
Health Care Administration II
Human Resources Management (all courses are required)12
Employment Law
Human Resources
Negotiations & Conflict Resolution
International Business12
International Business (required)
Choose two of the following:
International Finance
International Marketing
Global Business Cultural Experience
Choose three of the following:
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Organizational Theory
Negotiations & Conflict Resolution
Executives in Residence Seminar I
or GB-634
Executives in Residence Seminar II
Marketing Intelligence12
Marketing Strategy (required)
Choose two of the following:
Personal Branding
International Marketing
Marketing Research
Project Management12
Introduction to Project Management
Project Portfolio Tools & Technology
Risk Management and Insurance
Risk Management12
Enterprise Risk Management (required)
Choose three of the following:
Internal Controls / Sarbox
Strategic Risk Management
Risk Management and Insurance
Crisis Communications
Artificial Intelligence & Strategic Management12
Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Generative AI
AI Applications in Business
Internet of Things for Managers
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning12
Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Generative AI
Machine Learning
AI Applications in Business
Nonprofit Management12
Nonprofit Management
Financial Management in Nonprofit Sector
Employment Law
Strategic Marketing: Nonprofit Sector


GB-699 Corporate Strategy: Initiation to Implementation, included within the program core

Electives - 0-3 credits

The number of elective credits varies by concentration.  Any course listed in the Graduate Business curriculum with a course prefix of AC or GB can be selected to round-out and broaden the student's knowledge.

Concentration Descriptions

Business Analytics
The Business Analytics concentration provides advanced skills and techniques that are applied to discipline-specific and general business problems. This specialization embraces the importance of data analytics and enhances it with the business and advanced analytical skills to improve business strategies and solutions.

Cyber Security
The concentration in Cyber Security is designed to train the next generation of professionals to address weaknesses in information systems. Students learn how to identify vulnerabilities, analyze and mitigate risks, and conduct cybercrime investigations.

Our Finance concentration provides a deeper understanding of the daily challenges financial professionals face in today’s complex business world. This specialization allows students to develop skills needed to analyze markets and corporate financial structure both domestically and internationally.

Health Care Administration
The Health Care Administration curriculum prepares students to administer, lead and manage healthcare systems, such as hospitals, hospital networks or large healthcare systems and in increase their impact in the fields of managed health care and health care insurance.

Human Resources Management
The concentration in Human Resources Management exposes students to areas of business such as employment law and leadership and establishes a firm foundation for specialty certifications from HR Certification Institute or the Society of Human Resource Management.

International Business
The concentration in International Business exposes students to the cross-cultural skills needed to raise their cultural intelligence to do business on the world stage in the areas of finance, marketing, and negotiation.

A concentration in Management provides students with modern industry best practices and critical knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a variety of positions throughout their careers. Coursework includes organizational theory, leadership, and negotiations

Our concentration in Marketing prepares students to research and identify audience trends to develop successful business strategies. By learning to think like a customer, students apply the critical thinking needed to develop marketing strategies to amply a company brand.

Risk Management
The concentration in Risk Management provides a framework for understanding risk and applying it in the business world. Students develop the skill set needed to identify, evaluate, and mitigate financial, operational, and reputation risks.

Master of Science in Accountancy

Prof. Philip C. Sookram, M.Acc., C.P.A., Director, Master of Science in Accounting Program

Filomena Durso, Associate Director, Master of Business Administration Program

The MS in Accounting (MSA) is a 30 credit-hour program providing individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to keep pace with the changes in the practice of accounting.  A unique feature of the program is its focus on risk management and compliance issues, preparing individuals for the growing complexities of the corporate world. A candidate may select a concentration other than Risk Management from one of the other areas of specialization such as Business Analytics, Cyber Security, Finance, Health Care Administration.

An additional concentration may be added prior to the degree being awarded and requires an additional 6 credits over the standard degree credits. The additional concentration also can be pursued after the degree is granted, however, as this represents only six credits, federal financial aid is not applicable.

A candidate can combine the MSA with the MBA, thereby gaining the knowledge and skills required for professional accounting, while also developing an understanding of the broader management context. This will better prepare a graduate for senior management roles. A diploma for each degree is issued by the University at the same time the degree requirements are completed. When both degrees are pursued concurrently, a total of 54 credits is required, however, adding the MBA after graduation, may require slightly more credits.

A candidate who has an MBA from another institution may complete the MS in Accounting degree program in 24 credits as 6 credits may be considered for waivers at the discretion of the Program Director.

Level I: Core Courses (15 Credits)

These courses provide the foundation for the MS in Accounting.  It is highly recommended that a student follow these courses in sequence.

AC-501Managerial Accounting *3
AC-520Financial Accounting & Reporting3
AC-541Internal Controls / Sarbox3
AC-543Forensic Accounting/Internal Auditing3
AC-553Corporate & Partnership Taxation3
Total Credits15

Level II: Concentration (9-12 Credits)

Concentrations focus the candidate on a specific area to achieve depth of knowledge. Concentrations are available in Business Analytics, Cyber Security, Finance, Health Care Administration, and Risk Management. Candidates may follow the recommended courses below or may work with the Program Director to design a concentration to meet specific goals and reflect individual backgrounds. 

An additional concentration may be added prior to the degree being awarded and requires an additional 6 credits over the standard degree credits. The additional concentration also can be pursued after the degree is granted, however, as this represents only six credits, federal financial aid is not applicable.

Electives (3-6 Credits)

Two courses from within the Graduate Business curriculum with a course prefix of AC or GB can be selected to round-out and broaden the student's knowledge. Other courses may be considered at the discretion of the Program Director.

Additional Concentrations

Candidates may choose to add additional concentrations to their program of study. Each additional concentration requires 6 additional credits (12 credits for Health Care Administration). The concentration is noted on the transcript.

Saint Peter's alumni who have earned an MBA or MSA from Saint Peter's University may re-enroll for additional concentrations.

Note: A concentration taken after a degree has been awarded is not eligible for federal financial aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. You will be expected to settle your account using cash, employer tuition reimbursement, private loans or other such funds.

Dual MBA/MS in Accountancy

Filomena Durso, Associate Director, Master of Business Administration Program

The 36-credit MBA degree and 30-credit MSA degree can be combined to create a customized education plan totaling 54 credits. This program prepares individuals for senior financial and accounting positions where a breadth of management knowledge is combined with an in-depth understanding of accounting. The benefits of such a custom degree allow graduates to pursue a more specific career within their interest range. A diploma for each degree is issued by the University at the same time the degree requirements are completed. Former students who completed the 48-credit MBA program, are required to complete a total of 63 credits to earn both degrees.

Dual MBA/MSA Curriculum

Candidates must elect a concentration in the MBA and the MSA upon entrance to facilitate courses in the program path. A maximum of six (6) credits of equivalent course work may be accepted for transfer from an accredited graduate business program providing that the candidate achieved a passing grade that is acceptable to Saint Peter's.  Waivers and transfer credit is by permission only, at the discretion of the Program Director, and not an obligation of the University. 

                                                            MBA/MSA Degrees:                 54 Credits

                                                            Core Courses:                             30 Credits

                                                            Electives:                                   6-9 Credits

                                                            MBA Concentration:                    9-12 Credits

                                                            MSA Concentration:                    6 Credits

Level I:  Core Courses (30 Credits)

These courses provide the foundation for many of the concepts introduced in later courses and should be taken early in the program.  Waivers and/or transfer of credits may be considered for candidates as outlined in the Curriculum section above.  New students are to complete their core courses prior to beginning their concentration.

Core Courses
GB-511Management & Human Behavior3
GB-530Corporate Finance3
GB-533Enterprise Design Thinking3
GB-622Management Economics3
AC-501Managerial Accounting (or appropriate substitution)3
AC-520Financial Accounting & Reporting3
AC-541Internal Controls / Sarbox3
AC-543Forensic Accounting/Internal Auditing3
DS-650Data Ethics and Artificial Intelligence3
DS-660Business Analytics3
Total Credits30

Level II: MBA Concentration Electives (9-12 Credits)

These courses provide program breadth to create an area of concentration.  Candidates should choose these courses to gain knowledge in that area and those that will help them achieve their career goals.  Select courses in Cyber Security, Finance, Health Care Administration, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, Marketing Intelligence, or Risk Management. 

Level II: MSA Concentration (6 Credits)

A concentration is selected as part of the MSA degree from the following: Business Analytics, Cyber Security, Finance, Health Care Administration, or Risk Management.

An additional concentration may be added prior to the degree being awarded and requires an additional 6 credits over the standard degree credits. The additional concentration also can be pursued after the degree is granted, however, as this represents only six credits, federal financial aid is not applicable.

Level II:  Electives (6-9 credits)

These courses provide program breadth outside the area of concentration. Candidates should choose these courses to gain knowledge in areas that will help them achieve their career goals.