Faculty & Administration
Kimberly Reeve
KPMG Dean, Frank J. Guarini School of Business
Associate Professor
B.A., Colby College; MBA, University of St. Thomas – Opus College of Business; PhD, The International School of Management (ISM)
Email: kreeve@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6397
Full-Time Faculty
Karl C. Alorbi
Assistant Professor
B.A., University of Science & Technology, Ghana; M.S., Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, UK.
Office: Dinneen Hall, G06
Email: kalorbi@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6386 -
Chanaz Gargouri
Assistant Professor
B.S., University of Tunis III; M.B.A., Saint Peter’s University.
Office: Dinneen Hall, G03
Email: cgargouri@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6385 -
Samar Issa
Assistant Professor
B.A., Notre Dame University; MBA, Lebanese American University; Ph.D., M.Phil, and M.A., The New School.
Email: sissa@saintpeters.edu -
Mary McDonough
Assistant Professor, MBA Program
B.S., Ramapo College; M.S., Upsala College; Ph.D., University Nebraska, Lincoln.
Email: mmcdonough1@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6397 -
Edward J. Moskal
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences
B.S., Saint Peter’s; M.S., Notre Dame; M.M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology.
Email: emoskal@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6362 -
Andrew D. Pogogeff
Associate Professor of Accountancy & Business Law
B.S., M.B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson; Certified Public Accountant.
Email: apogogeff@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6218 -
Devin Rafferty
Director of M.S. in Finance
M.A., Ph.D. Economics, University of Missouri – Kansas City
B.A., Economics and Political Science, Drew University.
Office: Hilsdorf Hall 4th Floor
Email: drafferty1@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6207 -
Albert A. Realuyo
Assistant Professor of Computer & Information Sciences
M.S., Saint Peter’s University; B.E., Stevens Institute of Technology
Email: arealuyo@saintpeters.edu
Office: Loyola Hall, Room 15
Phone: (201) 761-6357 -
Philip Sookram, CPA, MAcc
Assistant Professor of Accountancy & Business Law and Director of M.S. in Accountancy Program
B.B.A., University of Miami; M.Acc, Rutgers Business School – New Brunswick
Office: Dinneen Hall, Room G17
Email: psookram@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6216 -
Vijay Voddi, MS
Director of M.S. in Data Science Program
Email: vvoddi@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6216
Adjunct Lecturers
Gerard Bifulco, M.B.A.
Susan J. Berkenbush, M.B.A.
Eugene Boffa, Jr., J.D., C.P.A.
James Campora, M.B.A., M.S.A.
Angelo A. Caprio, Ph.D., M.M.M.
Michael Cicchine, M.B.A.
Kevin J. Corrigan, J.D.
Peter A. Domasky, M.B.A.
Chanaz Gargouri, M.B.A.
Iona Harding, M.Ed.
Kevin Fernandez, M.B.A., M.S.
Aldo Martinez, J.D.
Niurka E. Mederos, M.B.A.
Jennifer A. Morrill, M.S.
Louis R. Ruvolo, M.B.A.
Parijat Samant, M.B.A.