Graduate Business

Faculty Research

Gulhan Bizel, Ph.D.

  1. A Google Search Trend Analysis: Understanding How Celebrities Diagnosed With Diseases Impact Awareness in the United States
  2. Melanoma Disease Research: Analysis Based On Age, Gender, Skin Type, And Region For The United States
  3. Trends In Highly Personalized Health Search: Analysis On Google Search Behaviors
  4. Business World Studies in the Scope of management, Trade and Marketing
  5. An Exploration of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Highlighting Transportation and Distance to Care Within Specific Disease States
  6. A Social Media Trend: How Does TikTok Influence Adults?
  7. Time Series Analysis on Social Media Posts: A Study on TS Restaurants in Hawaii
  8. A Time-Series Analysis: Impact of COVID-19 on Influenza in the United States of America
  9. Yelp or Facebook?: A Comparative Analysis
  10. COVID-19 Vaccination Performance Analysis for the United States and India
  11. Cultural Health Moments: A Search Analysis During Times of Heightened Awareness to Identify Potential Interception Points with Digital Health Consumers
  12. How Does Sensory Marketing Influence the Consumer Perception to Purchase Fast Food?
  13. Supply Chain Gaps of COVID-19 Vaccine in India, Turkey, Poland, Italy and Ukraine
  14. Understanding How Social Media Is Influencing the Way People Communicate: Verbally and Written
  15. Extraction of Aspects of Academy of Business Research Journal, Volume I 2021
  16. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Instagram and Influencer Marketing
  17. Public Emotional Response on the Black Lives Matter Movement in the Summer of 2020 as Analyzed Through Twitter
  18. NBE 2020 Conference Proceedings

Nandini Khatod

Irini Matijosaitiene, Ph.D.

  1. Crime Prevention through Urban Design & Planning
  2. Predicting Safe Parking Spaces: A Machine Learning Approach to Geospatial Urban and Crime Data
  3. Marketing Analytics for Self-Driving Car Customer Segment Identification
  4. Prediction of Hourly Effect of Land Use on Crime
  5. Geospatial and Temporal Data Analysis on NYC Taxi Trip Data
  6. Revealing the Unknown: Real-Time Recognition of Galápagos Snake Species Using Deep Learning
  7. List of Scientific and Other Publications

Research News

6th International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences
Public Sentiment Analysis for HIV, Herpes, and OCD on the Reddit Social Media Platform

Conference Proceedings

Saint Peter’s Publishes in Prestigious Scientific Journal

Crime Prediction and Monitoring in Porto, Portugal, Using Machine Learning, Spatial and Text Analytics was recently published in the highly recognized scientific journalInternational Journal of Geo-Information.

The research included in this publication is a part of the Capstone project (Winter trimester 2020) under Dr. Irina Matijosaitiene’s tutelage , and graduate student Saloni Mishra from the Data Science program.  The University of Porto was the project partner and provided the major data sets.