
Certifications in Education

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Director of School Counseling Certification

Students pursuing certification as a Director of School Counseling Services must possess School Counselor Certification and completed at least three years of successful school counselor experience under a standard NJ or its out-of-state school counselor equivalent.

Required Courses
GE-510Principle of Curriculum Design & Develop3
GE-511Principles/Problems/Sch Administration3
GE-513Fundamentals/Elem and Secondary Supervsn3
Total Credits9

Professional/Associate Counselor Certification

Students pursuing certification as a Professional/Associate Counselor must possess both School Counselor Certification and Director of School Counseling Services.

Required Courses
GE-674Family Therapy3
GE-675Ethics Law and Prof Issues in Coun3
GE-676Case Studies in Counseling3
GE-677Community Mental Heath and Wellness3
Total Credits12

School Business Administrator Certification

Students pursuing certification as a School Business Administrator must possess either a master’s degree from an approved institution or a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) license.

Required Courses
GE-511Principles/Problems/Sch Administration3
GE-513Fundamentals/Elem and Secondary Supervsn3
GE-514School Finance3
GE-516School Law3
AC-151Principles of Accounting I3
EC-101Macroeconomic Principles3
Total Credits18

Supervisor of Instruction Certification

Students pursuing certification as a Supervisor need a master’s degree from an approved institution, a standard teaching license, and three years of teaching experience.

GE-510Principle of Curriculum Design & Develop3
GE-513Fundamentals/Elem and Secondary Supervsn3
Select one of the following:3
Computers in Curr Design Dev. & Eval
Foundation of Reading Curr. Des. & Dev.
Select one of the following:3
Internship: Admin/Supervision I
Supervision of Reading Programs
Total Credits12

Teaching Certification

Students pursuing certification must attain a passing score on the appropriate Praxis Exam(s) for their particular area of certification.

Required Courses
GE-502Psychological Foundations of Learning3
GE-510Principle of Curriculum Design & Develop3
GE-512Assessment/Student Ability/Achievement3
GE-540Fundamentals of Methodology3
GE-555Computers in Curr Design Dev. & Eval3
GE-570Foundation of Reading Curr. Des. & Dev.3
GE-614Edu Disabilities/Specialized Instruction3
Clinical Experience
GE-550Clinical Practice 1: Early Child & Elem4
GE-551Clinical Practice 2: Early Child & Elem8
Total Credits33

Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification

This program is for individuals who already possess NJ instructional certification and wish to add an endorsement as Teacher of Students with Disabilities.

GE-614Edu Disabilities/Specialized Instruction3
GE-617Asstg Stu-Spec Needs-Gen Educ Classroom3
GE-618Assessm't Techniques/Stu Disabilities3
GE-574Diagnosis of Children/Reading Problems3
GE-652Curriculum Development for Stu W Disabil3
GE-653Assistive Technology- Uses & Application3
GE-654Strategies Home Sch Comm Relationships3
Total Credits21