
(PK-12 & Higher Education)

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Our fully online, 33-credit Master of Arts Degree in Education: Concentration in Educational Technology (PK-12 & Higher Education) graduate program is designed for current and future PK-12 and higher education instructors who want to use educational technology in the face-to-face and remote classroom as well as for educational leaders who seek positions in the field of educational technology.

The program has been developed to provide educators and administrators with an introduction to the pedagogy and practical application of using technology in a learning environment. The program is for beginners who have minimal technical skills as well as for experienced technology users. It will consist of courses that will run during the regular graduate, summer, and winter intersession semesters.

At A Glance

Degree Awarded: Master of Arts in Education
Concentrations: PK-12, Higher Education
Course Locations: Online
Program Duration: 33 credits
Calendar: Semester (including summers)
Course Format: Online
Curriculum: 33 credits in various required and elective general education and educational technology courses.


This program is designed for current and future PK-12 and higher education instructors who want to use educational technology in the face-to-face and remote classroom as well as for educational leaders who seek positions in the field of educational technology. 

Required Courses
GE-500Historical/Philosophical Foundations/Edu3
GE-502Psychological Foundations of Learning3
GE-505Directed Research in Education3
GE-512Assessment/Student Ability/Achievement3
GE-555Computers in Curr Design Dev. & Eval3
or GE-556 Integratng Tech in Early Childhood Class
GE-640Intro to Learning Management Systems3
GE-653Assistive Technology- Uses & Application3
GE-689Online College Teaching3
Elective Courses: Choose three of the following courses9
Instructional Design & Delivery
Current Issues & Trends in Ed Tech
Autism Spectrum Disorder & Other Disabil
Using Tech Face-To-Face Or Remote Class
Total Credits33

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Describe the history of educational technology
  • Design lesson plans using educational technology
  • Use Web 2.0 tools
  • Design and deliver online instruction
  • Employ various forms of educational technology in the classroom.