M.A. in Education: Higher Education

Certifications in Education

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This concentration provides the opportunity to prepare for positions as Supervisor, Vice Principal and Principal. This concentration leads to New Jersey State Supervisor of Instruction and/or Principal certification. Certification requires 3 years of teaching experience with a New Jersey teaching certificate. Principal and Vice Principal requires 5 years. 

Foundational Courses
GE-500Historical/Philosophical Foundations/Edu3
GE-502Psychological Foundations of Learning3
GE-505Directed Research in Education3
Required Courses
GE-510Principle of Curriculum Design & Develop3
GE-511Principles/Problems/Sch Administration3
GE-512Assessment/Student Ability/Achievement3
GE-513Fundamentals/Elem and Secondary Supervsn3
GE-514School Finance3
GE-516School Law3
GE-528Internship: Admin/Supervision I 13
GE-529Internship: Admin/Supervision II 13
GE-555Computers in Curr Design Dev. & Eval3
or GE-570 Foundation of Reading Curr. Des. & Dev.
Total Credits36

 1    An internship of 150 hours is required for Administrator Certification, 300 hours for Principal, and 450 hours for Chief School Administrator.

Master of Arts in Education: School Counseling

At A Glance
Degree Awarded: School Counseling – Masters and Certification
Concentrations: School Counselor
Course Locations: Jersey City Campus
Program Duration: Master’s ‐ 48 Credits, Certification ‐ 9 credits
Calendar: Semesters, including summers.
Course Format: Evening courses, some online, some hybrid

The Counseling Program is designed to provide the qualifications necessary to apply for a license or certification as a School Counselor. This program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education.

The practical focus allows graduate students to develop advanced techniques in the specialized areas of counseling that schools require. Graduate students who complete the program will gain the prerequisite knowledge about counseling, but more importantly will gain the necessary background and skills to guide students beyond the pedagogical scope provided in typical counseling programs. Knowledge and skills are developed along contemporary challenges faced by today’s schools. Appropriate emphasis is placed on techniques for counseling students in general education classes as well as specialized settings. 

Required Courses
GE-502Psychological Foundations of Learning3
GE-505Directed Research in Education3
GE-512Assessment/Student Ability/Achievement3
GE-660Introduction to Counseling3
GE-661Individual Counseling and Interviewing3
GE-662Group Counseling3
GE-663Career Counseling3
GE-664College Counseling3
GE-665Crisis Counseling3
GE-667Abnormal Psychology3
GE-668Psychology of Exceptional Children3
GE-669Community Agencies Organizations & Res3
GE-670Multicultural Counseling3
GE-671Substance Abuse and Treatment3
GE-672Practicum in Counseling I3
GE-673Practicum in Counseling II3
Total Credits48

Master of Arts in Education: Special Education, Applied Behavior Analyst

Dr. Michael Finetti, Director

The Master of Arts in Special Education with a specialization in applied behavior analysis is designed for individuals who have already earned a certification in either Elementary or Secondary Education. The applied behavior analysis specialization focuses on students who have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum. In addition to learning instructional strategies and effective classroom management, individuals will participate in a sequence of applied behavior analysis courses, which will include focus on behavioral principles and procedures, application analysis, modification of behavior and behavioral research and methodology to evaluate interventions on students. Individuals who successfully complete this program will earn certification as a teacher of students with disabilities.

This program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education.

Required Courses
GE-614Edu Disabilities/Specialized Instruction3
GE-616Effective Class Mgmt/Behavior Intervent3
GE-617Asstg Stu-Spec Needs-Gen Educ Classroom3
GE-618Assessm't Techniques/Stu Disabilities3
GE-631Philosophy and Theory of Behaviorism3
GE-632Applied Behavioral Analysis II3
GE-633Applied Behavioral Analysis III3
GE-635Research Sem: Applied Behavior Analysis3
GE-652Curriculum Development for Stu W Disabil3
Approved Electives
Select two of the following:6
Instruc Strategies/Students/Disabilities
Assistive Technology- Uses & Application
Strategies Home Sch Comm Relationships
Total Credits33

Master of Arts in Education: Special Education, Literacy

At A Glance
Degree Awarded: Master of Arts in Education: Special Education, Literacy
Concentrations: Literacy, ABA
Course Locations: Jersey City Campus
Program Duration: 33 credits
Calendar: Semester, including Summers
Course Format: Evening courses, some online, some hybrid

Dr. Michael Finetti, Director

The Master of Arts in Special Education with a specialization in literacy is designed for individuals who have already earned a certification in either elementary or secondary education. The literacy specialization focuses on students with reading and learning disabilities. Individuals who successfully complete the program will develop effective classroom management skills, assessment techniques, training, diagnosis and treatment of children with learning disabilities, and the use and application of assisted technology. Individuals who successfully complete this program will earn certification as a teacher of students with disabilities.

This program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education.

Required Courses
GE-614Edu Disabilities/Specialized Instruction3
GE-616Effective Class Mgmt/Behavior Intervent3
GE-617Asstg Stu-Spec Needs-Gen Educ Classroom3
GE-618Assessm't Techniques/Stu Disabilities3
GE-570Foundation of Reading Curr. Des. & Dev.3
GE-571Diagnosis/Treatmt: Childr/Learn Disab3
GE-574Diagnosis of Children/Reading Problems3
GE-577Research Seminar in Literacy3
GE-652Curriculum Development for Stu W Disabil3
Approved Electives
Select two of the following:6
Instruc Strategies/Students/Disabilities
Assistive Technology- Uses & Application
Strategies Home Sch Comm Relationships
Total Credits33