Faculty & Administration
Joshua Feinberg, Ph.D.
Director and Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A. Cornell; M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers University.
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: jfeinberg@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6306
Prof. Feinberg conducts research in applied and social psychology. He specializes in research on social influences on workplace performance, perceptions of cheating in academics, sports, and business, and on decision making and morality. He has several peer reviewed publications and 8 conference presentations in the last 5 years. In addition, he currently serves as the University’s Chair of the IRB.
Andrea Bubka, Ph.D
Professor of Psychology
B.A., Oakland; M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Adelphi
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: abubka@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6303
Prof. Bubka conducts research in the areas of motion sickness and visually-induced self-motion perception especially as it applies to virtual environments. In the past 5 years, she has had 5 peer-reviewed journal articles and 14 conference presentations. Her work and opinions about topics such as motion sickness, cybersickness, and effects of 3D films and device displays have been covered by media outlets on television (Fox Business News and Inside Edition) and in print. She is a Fellow and Board of Directors Member of the Eastern Psychological Association.
Maryellen Hamilton, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Psychology
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., SUNY; Ph.D., SUNY.
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: mhamilton@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6304
A cognitive psychologist who conducts research on memory and learning. In the past 5 years Prof. Hamilton has had 3 peer-reviewed journal articles published and 27 conference presentations (26 of them co-authored with SPU undergraduates). In addition, she serves as the Treasurer of the Eastern Psychological Association.
Brittany Hanson, Ph.d.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., University of Arizona; M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Office: Pope Hall, Room 103A
Email: bhanson@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6309
She started at Saint Peter’s University as full-time faculty in the Fall of 2018. She is a social psychologist whose research focuses on attitudes and attitude change, as well as moral and political psychology. In the past 5 years, Dr. Hanson has had 6 articles published in peer-reviewed publications and presented 9 times at academic conferences. She also recently received a small research grant through the journal Politics and the Life Sciences in collaboration with Dr. Daniel Wisneski. Dr. Hanson also currently serves as a Scientific Communication and Outreach Consultant for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Daniel Kuchinka
Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A. St. Cloud State University; M.S. Minnesota State University; Ph.D. Capella University.
Prof. Kuchinka’s Biography
My career highlights include 15 years management/leadership experience with memorable moments as Senior Manager and then CEO at two different Chamber of Commerce organizations, and Operations Manager at a fortune 100 company (rank 54). I have also served in higher education in the classroom and online for approximately 8 years. My areas of expertise include organizational development, training, education, leadership, and spirituality in the workplace.
Leonor Lega, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Consejeria Psicologica (Counseling Psychologist) Universidad Del Valle (Colombia); Ph.D., Temple; Licensed Psychologist New York and New Jersey; Post-Doctorate: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: llega@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6302
Her specialty is the cross-cultural approach to cognitive behavioral therapy with emphasis on Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. In the past 5 years, she has produced Two books, revised editions of two other books, five peer-reviewed journal articles (3 of them with SPU students as co-authors, and several keynote lectures at national and international meetings in Spain and Latin America.
Preston V. L. Lindsay, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Psychology
Professor of BusinessB.S., Drexel University; B.A., Catholic University of America; M.S., Catholic University of America; Ph.D., Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: plindsay@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6300
Preston Lindsay is an American organizational psychologist and educator who specializes in multicultural & antiracist organizational development practice, organizational neuroscience, management, and facilitating radical transformational change, with more than 10 years of executive leadership in both the nonprofit and corporate sectors. Dr. Lindsay serves as President & Chief Executive Officer of The Lindsay Group Co., an organizational development consulting firm, which he founded in 2014. TLG is mission oriented to provide anti-oppressive and antiracist organization development services for transformational and radical system change. Passionate about social justice and advocating for underserved and historically marginalized communities.
Dr. Lindsay is a Professor of Business at Saint Peter’s University Guarini School of Business and Adjunct Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the SPU Department of Psychology. Dr. Lindsay also regularly lectures at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and several other institutions. Dr. Lindsay’s current research centers on the relationship of oppressive organizational systems and its impact on people of oppressed identities. His recent research efforts take a phenomenological approach to understanding how organizational trauma influences the behavior and consciousness of Workers of oppressed identities.
Ever committed to the movement towards liberation for all oppressed people, Dr. Lindsay offers his organizational development and organizational psychology expertise by chairing/advising a few boards of community-based, social justice organizations and providing pro-bono services to support sustainability initiatives.
Daniel Wisneski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A. Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Office: Pope Hall, Room 101
Email: dwisneski@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (201) 761-6305
He started at Saint Peter’s in Fall 2014. He is a social and personality psychologist whose research focuses, specifically, on the areas of moral and political psychology. In the last 5 years, Dr. Wisneski has had 9 articles published in peer reviewed journals, as well as 3 book chapters. He has also presented 10 times at academic conferences or as an invited speaker at other Universities, and was co-author on 7 posters presented by SPU undergraduates at regional conferences. Dr. Wisneski also serves as an academic editor for the journal PLOS One and he also recently received a small research grant through the journal Politics and the Life Sciences. Since starting at Saint Peter’s, Dr. Wisneski’s work has been featured in a number of popular press articles and on NPR.
Joshua Zable
Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor; M.A. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.
Email: jzable@saintpeters.edu
Phone: (347) 675-2637
Joshua Zable is a seasoned and award-winning executive with management, training and teaching experience at global organizations. His coursework aims to arm students with practical and applicable skills to set them up for success in professional industries after their graduation.
Joshua Zable currently serves as the Chief Marketing and Strategic Planning Officer and a member of the Board of Directors at Minitab, LLC, the leading provider of solutions analytics, including data analysis software and provider of expert statistical services. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Acera, LLC, an innovative medical device company.
Joshua Zable has been recognized by Institutional Investor Magazine, IR Magazine, The International Business Awards, The American Business Awards, the Best in Biz Awards and the Hermes Creative Awards.