M.S. in Cyber Security

Blockchain Technology Summer Course

The Blockchain Technology 6-credit course is designed for working information technology/business professionals or individuals that have an undergraduate degree in computer science, business, engineering or math that are looking to acquire knowledge and expertise in blockchain technology. The course has been developed by expert faculty with deep knowledge of applications, programming, cryptography and cyber security. This is a great pathway into the Master’s in Science in Cyber Security Program.

Course Information

Dates: Summer 3 Graduate Trimester
Cost: $4,999*
Duration: 5 weeks
*Saint Peter’s University students eligible for scholarship

The University Cyber Security Research Lab and Blackboard platform will be used by students and subject matter experts for a dynamic/interactive online learning experience.

Contact Information

New Students:
Graduate Admission
(201) 761-6470 or gradadmit@saintpeters.edu

Current Students:
Alberto LaCava, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair of Computer & Information Sciences
Director of Masters in Cyber Security Program

Admission Requirements

  • Application*
  • Resume

*Not required for current Saint Peter’s students

Course Goals

Students will have a comprehensive understanding of what blockchain technology is and how it works, from a business as well as technical standpoint. They will also gain insight into how blockchains will affect the future of industry and an organization.

Upon completion students will have knowledge around the following:

  • Be able to explain what blockchain technology is and the real world problems that blockchains can solve
  • Explain how blockchains work and the underlying technology of transactions, blocks, proof-of-work, and consensus building
  • Understand how blockchains exists in the public domain (decentralized, distributed) yet maintain transparency, privacy, anonymity, security, and history
  • Recognize how blockchain technology is incentivized without any central controlling or trusted agency
  • Explore platforms such as Ethereum to build applications on blockchain technology
  • Understand how cryptocurrency works and why people value a ‘digital’ currency
  • Design and implement blockchains for applications in the financial services, manufacturing, and retail industries

6-Credit Course with Four Module Focus

Blockchain Technology Cases and Corporate Experience
Survey of innovations in blockchain technology and uses. Presentations from industry leaders and subject matter experts on their experience of bringing innovation to the market through their companies in the area of blockchain technologies.

Blockchain Foundations and Mathematical Underpinnings
History of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum and associated mathematical underpinnings, number theory, integers, primes. The algorithms, one-way and hashing functions, Merkle–Damgård hash functions. Data structures involving data and hash, and blockchains. Totient function, Fermat and Euler theorems, cryptographic algorithms. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. Electronic money and current protocols. Bitcoin and Ethereum mining and a cryptocurrency practicum.

Development Platforms and Language Foundations
Programming languages used in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Programming in the Ethereum platform (decentralized applications): Role of Javascript, Solidity and Serpent in Ethereum contract programming. Programming languages in Hyperledger development (Go Lang, Node and Javascript). IBM Hyperledger platform (composer, blockchain fabric, operator). Programming assignments to include business use cases in the financial services, manufacturing, and retail industries.

Blockchain Practicum and Programming Projects
Series of hands-on design and programming projects using blockchain technologies, for both the Ethereum (decentralized applications) and Hyperledger (Fabric, Composer, Playground) platforms. Complete business-oriented proof-of-concept with projects to be completed by students.