Program Goals and Learning Objectives
Master of Science in Data Science
Program Goals
- Develop in depth understanding of the key technologies in data science and business analytics: data mining, machine learning, visualization techniques, predictive modeling, and statistics.
- Practice problem analysis and decision-making.
- Gain practical, hands-on experience with statistics programming languages and big data tools through coursework and applied research experiences.
Learning Objectives
Students who have completed the MS in Data Science and Business Analytics Program will be able to:
- Apply quantitative modeling and data analysis techniques to the solution of real world business problems, communicate findings, and effectively present results using data visualization techniques.
- Recognize and analyze ethical issues in business related to intellectual property, data security, integrity, and privacy.
- Apply ethical practices in everyday business activities and make well-reasoned ethical business and data management decisions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of statistical data analysis techniques utilized in business decision making.
- Apply principles of Data Science to the analysis of business problems.
- Use data mining software to solve real-world problems.
- Employ cutting edge tools and technologies to analyze Big Data.
- Apply algorithms to build machine intelligence.
- Demonstrate use of team work, leadership skills, decision making and organization theory.