M.S. in Marketing Science


Gulhan Bizel, Ph.D., Director, Master of Science in Marketing Science Program

A Masters Degree in Marketing Science is a STEM program designed for students from diverse backgrounds in Business, Marketing, Data, IT and more. Students will enter the marketplace with the ability to understand critical inquiry through different methods and approaches to evaluating strategies. They will examine the roles of mathematics, analytics, modeling, and psychology in analyzing and interpreting consumer data. 

Program Availability

The courses are offered on a trimester calendar and during the summer at the Jersey City Campus

Degree Requirements

The degree requires 36 semester hours. 


The Program Director will advise students.

Time Limitation

Students are expected to enroll continuously until their programs are completed. Students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress by maintaining the required grade point average and accumulating sufficient credits within the stipulated time frame of five years. 

Curriculum - Master of Science in Marketing Science - Traditional track

MS-500Mrktg Fundamentals: Customer Experience3.00
MS-510The Influence & Persuasion of Consumers3.00
DS-660Business Analytics3
MS-518Mrktg Intelligence: Indust Anal/Strategy3.00
MS-520Foundations of Social & Mobile Techs3.00
MS-620Integrated Mktg With Mobile Comm/Dev/App3.00
MS-630Web Analytics: Email Clickstream & SEO3.00
MS-650Capstone Consulting Engagement3.00
Select 4 Elective Courses from MS, DS or GB 112
Industry Experience
DS-597Applied Research Experience0
DS-598Applied Industry Experience0
Total Credits36