Service Learning
Rooted in the Jesuit tradition of educating Men and Women for Others, the Office for Community Service is affiliated with Campus Ministry and directly implements the University’s mission “to prepare students for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service to others in a diverse and global society.” Through participation in meaningful volunteer and service learning experiences with more than thirty Hudson County nonprofit agencies and religious organizations, Saint Peter’s students and faculty directly contribute to social justice activities and the empowerment of local constituencies. In their roles as tutors, mentors, outreach workers, researchers, and social work assistants, students share their time and talent with their neighbors in need of encouragement, support and assistance.
Through community service projects and service learning in the classroom, students are encouraged to share the benefits of their college experience and invest their time and skills with non-profit agencies and schools with limited resources. To support the student’s service experience, the Office facilitates training and discussion sessions that stimulate reflection about the relationship of service to one’s personal, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Selected courses incorporate community service as a required component, with faculty guiding student reflection about their service through discussions and journals.
For more information about Service Learning at Saint Peter’s University, please contact Prof. Kari Larsen.

Professor Mary Kate Naatus’s Principles of Management Honors class, Fall 2014. Professor Naatus’s class worked as a consultant with the Washington Park Association, helping with events, fundraising, social media, research, and grants.