School of Professional Studies

Professional Studies (BPS)

Application Processing

Applications are processed on a rolling basis. The selection process is completed within one week of Graduate Admissions receipt of all required documentation.

New Concentrations

  • Cyber Security (available on-line)
  • General Studies
  • Humanities
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Social Sciences


Available in:


Bachelor of Professional Studies

The BPS was developed to afford interested students several general studies options which enable those with diverse interests and prior college credits to develop a degree program that matches their career goals and, if appropriate, their employer’s needs. These programs are particularly effective for students with many credits from other colleges or for those who believe they may use assessment and testing to earn credit. This program is offered online. Students develop these programs with an advisor from the dean’s office.

Requirements for BPS

The BPS cognate courses will include at least 3 credits from each of the following areas:
Cultures and Values
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Total Credits24

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Social Sciences and Humanities majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 21 credits:

HS-200 or higher Does not include any history counted in the core3
ML Any upper level modern language culture course3
SJ-250Intro to Social Justice3
SO-360Intercultural Relations3
SO-384Cultural Anthropology3
UR-412Ethnicity and Race in Urban History3
EL-200 or higher Does not include any literature counted in the core3
Total Credits21

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Organizational Leadership*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Organizational Leadership majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 21 credits:

BA-151Principles of Management3
BA-240Organizational Behavior3
CU/BA-315Business and Professional Communication3
SO-360Intercultural Relations3
UR-410Managing Cross-Cultural Training Skills3
PS-430Industrial-Organizational Psy3
Total Credits21

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Military Science (focus on Organizational Leadership, Criminal Justice, or Cyber Security)*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Military Science majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 21 credits:

Joint Services Transcript will be applicable to satisfy the area of specialization, with supplemental coursework added as needed pertaining to the area of focus.
Total Credits21

*May take appropriate substitutions in consultation with an advisor.

Accelerated BS/BA to MS in Cyber Security

You can earn your undergraduate degree and an MS in Cyber Security in five years through our Accelerated Program.

The Accelerated BS/BA to MS in Cyber Security program offers several advantages. The program:

  • Accelerates the attainment of an advanced degree
  • Facilitates seamless transition to a master’s degree
  • Increases students’ marketability in the workforce
  • Saves students time and money

For more details, see the program descriptions:
Accelerated BS/BA to MS in Cyber Security Program