Communication and Media Culture


Ernabel Demillo, Chairperson

The Communication and Media Culture Department offers a major in Communication and minors in Communication, Film Studies, Journalism and Public Relations.

Requirements for Communication Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

CU-203Media Communications II3
CU/JN-205News Writing and Reporting (WI)3
CU-202Intro to Media Studies & Communication3
Take the following:
CU-275Public Speaking Workshop (Oral)3
CU-255Ethics in Communication (Values)3
CU-400Research Writing (Capstone, WI)3
Communications Electives (choose 18 credits; see following description)18
Outside concentration (choose 12 credits; see following description)12
Total Credits48

Communications Major Electives

Students are required to take six courses (18 credits) with the CU designation, including cross-listed courses. The following groupings are suggested so that a student may gain expertise in a major area.

Writing and Publishing
CU/JN-208Broadcast Newsroom3
CU/JN-210Writing Workshop3
CU/JN-304Principles of Media Law and Ethics3
CU/JN-310News Writing II3
CU/JN-313The News Lab3
CU/JN-341Art & Entertainment Journalism3
CU-352Conversations With Writers/Metro Seminar3
CU/JN-355Video Storytelling3
CU/JN-385Digital Storytelling and Social Media3
CU/JN-410Investigative Journalism & Advanced Feat3
CU/JN-419Magazine Writing3
CU/JN-420Social Documentary Filmmaking3
CU/JN-489Globalization and Fieldwork Seminar3
Media Business
CU-102Media Literacy3
CU/BA-218Media Business3
CU-247Marketing Communications and Branding3
CU-260Radio Station I3
CU/GS-285Gender & Communication (DIV)3
CU/BA-315Business and Professional Communication3
CU/BA-327Digital and Social Media Marketing3
Film and Media Culture
CU-190Introduction to Film3
CU-228Asian Film3
CU-256The Horror Film3
CU-266Advanced Screenwriting3
CU-270Broadcast Studies3
CU-283The Conspiracy Theory Film3
CU/EL-293Today's Film Scene3
CU-300Film Theory and Criticism3
CU-306The Animated Film3
CU-307Art Commerce & Cultural Impact of Disney3
EL-493Film Noir: Dark Side of American Film3

Communication Major Outside Concentration - 12 credits

To serve their individual goals, students must choose outside concentrations from classes in a single department or create a composite area of study from courses in several departments which can include our minors: journalism, public relations and film. Students will work with their department adviser to request an outside concentration. Courses accepted for double majors and minors in other departments can also be used for the outside concentration, but not for core or Communication electives.

Media Internships

The courses CU/JN-295 Credited Internships,JN/CU-495 and JN/CU-496  are internship courses offered in conjunction with the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services which can provide placement for students at on-and off-campus media sites. Internships receive CU elective credits and are encouraged for all majors. To gain credits, students combine work experience with concurrent academic study.

Special Notes on Major Requirements

Requirements for the Minor in Communication

Select one of the following theory courses
CU-202Intro to Media Studies & Communication3
or CU-203 Media Communications II
Select one of the following writing courses:3
News Writing and Reporting
Business and Professional Communication
Research Writing
Take the following speaking course:3
Public Speaking Workshop
CU- Three CU Electives9
Total Credits18

Requirements for the Minor in Film Studies

Take the following 3 Classes
CU-190Introduction to Film3
CU/EL-212History of Film I: Beginnings to 19593
CU/EL-213History of Film =ll 1960 to Present3
Choose 3 courses from the following electives:12
CU-266Advanced Screenwriting
CU/EL-293Today's Film Scene
EL-310Gender and Sexuality in Film
AR-383Animation Production
EL-423American Film
EL-493Film Noir: Dark Side of American Film
CU/AN-228Asian Film
CU-256The Horror Film
CU-283The Conspiracy Theory Film
CU-300Film Theory and Criticism
CU-306The Animated Film
CU-307Art Commerce & Cultural Impact of Disney
CU/JN-420Social Documentary Filmmaking
Total Credits21

Requirements for the Minor in Journalism

CU/JN-205News Writing and Reporting 13
CU/JN-304Principles of Media Law and Ethics3
CU/JN-310News Writing II3
JN- 3 JN Electives9
Total Credits18

Special Note on the Minor in Journalism

Requirements for the Minor in Public Relations

CU/JN-205News Writing and Reporting 13
CU-315Business and Professional Communication3
BA-360Public Relations3
JN/CU- 3 JN Electives Required (4 if you are a communication major)9-12
CU-247Marketing Communications and Branding
BA-249Sports & Entertainment Marketing
BA-327Digital and Social Media Marketing
BA-335Latino Marketing Communication Culture
BA-355Video Storytelling
Total Credits18-21

Travel and Internships

CU-489. Globalization and Fieldwork Seminar. 3 Credits.
CU/BA-295. Public Relations Internship. 3 Credits.

Undergraduate students enrolled in CMC’s Accelerated Master of Arts in Communication and Public Relations can substitute two graduate courses to count as public relations electives.