Computer Science & Cyber Security Sciences



Dr. Suman Kalia, Chairperson

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences offers four programs leading towards the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Students may concentrate in Computer Information Systems, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning or Computer Science. Transfer students who major in CS must complete a minimum of six CS and/or IS courses at the University for the Bachelor of Science degree. For students not majoring in Computer Science, we offer Minors in Computer Science, CIS, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security. For students majoring in Criminal Justice, the Department offers a concentration in Cyber Security and Computer Forensics.

Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Information Systems Option

Degree of Bachelor of Science

This option is designed for those who wish to become programmers or systems analysts. Application programming and business information
systems are studied. Six of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

MA-123Elementary Calculus I (Core Math)3
MA-124Elementary Calculus II (Core Math)3
CS-177Intr to Computer Science & Cybersecurity3
CS-180Introduction to Programming3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-298Cyber Security Virtual Internship3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
IS-410Total Business Info Systems3
CS-370Data Structures3
Choose four of the following:12
Elementary Statistics
Mathematics of Finance
Computer Mathematics
Quantitative Methods for Business
Intermediate Statistics
Introductory Linear Algebra
Transition to Advanced Mathematics
Intermediate Discrete Mathematics
Topics in Linear Algebra
Capstone for Computer Science
CS or IS Electives (IS-230 or higher OR CS-300 or higher) 1
Total Credits39

Special Note on Core Curriculum Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Information Systems Option

Special Notes on Major Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Information Systems Option

Requirements for Computer Science Major/Cyber Security Option

Degree of Bachelor of Science

This option is designed for those who wish to learn the technology and security architecture that is necessary to help protect and defend information systems from cyber-attacks. 

MA-123Elementary Calculus I (Core Math)3
MA-124Elementary Calculus II (Core Math)3
MA-212Elementary Statistics3
CS-177Intr to Computer Science & Cybersecurity3
CS-190Secure Software Development3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
CS-260Information Technology Ethics3
CS-339Computer Architecture & Operating System3
IS-380Database and Data Administration3
IS-381Cyber Security Planning and Risk Mgmt3
IS-425Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity3
CS-489Network Technology Protocols & Defense3
CS-496Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Lab3
CS-499Capstone for Computer Science3
Total Credits48

Special Notes on Core Curriculum Requirements for Computer Science Major/Cyber Security Option

Special Note on Major Requirements for Computer Science Major/Cyber Security Option

Requirements for Computer Science Major/Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Degree of Bachelor of Science

This option is designed for those who wish to learn the technology and architecture that is necessary to use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods in the computing disciplines.

MA-123Elementary Calculus I (Core Math)3
MA-124Elementary Calculus II (Core Math)3
MA-212Elementary Statistics3
CS-177Intr to Computer Science & Cybersecurity3
CS-180Introduction to Programming3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-241Python Programming for Comp Scientists3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
CS-346Machine Learning I3
CS-370Data Structures3
CS/MA-337Statistical Computing With R3
CS-415Robotics Fundamentals and Programming3
CS-446Machine Learning II3
CS-470Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CS or IS Elective3
CS-499Capstone for Computer Science3
Total Credits48

Special Notes on Core Curriculum Requirements for Computer Science Major/Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Option

Special Note of Major Requirements for Computer Science Major/Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Option

Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Science Option

Degree of Bachelor of Science

This option is designed for those who wish to study the theory of programming. Any student who wishes to go to graduate school in Computer Science should consider taking this option.

Six or eight of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

MA-143Differential Calculus (Core Math)4
MA-144Integral Calculus (Core Math)4
CS-177Intr to Computer Science & Cybersecurity3
CS-180Introduction to Programming3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
CS-339Computer Architecture & Operating System3
CS-355Found of Programming Systems3
CS-370Data Structures3
MA-247Introductory Linear Algebra3
MA-250Transition to Advanced Mathematics3
MA-273Multivariable Calculus I4
Choose one of the following3
Elementary Statistics
Intermediate Statistics
Intermediate Discrete Mathematics
Probability Theory
Mathematical Statistics
Topics in Linear Algebra
Topics in Statistics
Two Natural Science Laboratories 12
CS-499Capstone for Computer Science3
CS-CS Electives: choose 2 courses from CS-237 or CS-300-level6
CS/IS-CS/IS Electives: choose 2 courses from CS-300-level or IS-400-level6
Total Credits59

Special Notes on Core Curriculum Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Science Option

Special Notes on Major Requirements for Computer Science Major/Computer Science Option

Requirements for Criminal Justice Major with a Concentration in Cyber Security and Computer Forensics

For details about this program see the Criminal Justice Department.

Requirements for Minor in Computer Science

Students majoring in Computer Science are not eligible for this minor

CS-180Introduction to Programming3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
CS-339Computer Architecture & Operating System3
CS-355Found of Programming Systems3
CS-370Data Structures3
Total Credits18

Requirements for Minor in Information Systems

Students majoring in Computer Science are not eligible for this minor

CS-180Introduction to Programming3
CS-231Software Engineering3
CS-260Information Technology Ethics3
CS-332Advanced Computing3
CS-370Data Structures3
IS-410Total Business Info Systems3
Total Credits18

Requirements for Minor in Cyber Security

Students Majoring in Computer Science are not eligible for this minor

CS-177Intr to Computer Science & Cybersecurity3
or CS-190 Secure Software Development
IS-381Cyber Security Planning and Risk Mgmt3
IS-425Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity3
CS-489Network Technology Protocols & Defense3
CS-496Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Lab3
Total Credits18