Facilities & Resources
Resources Within Saint Peter’s University
Among the databases the library subscribes to, the ones that are most useful for economics and finance are ABI/INFORM (Proquest) and Business Source Premier.
Electronic databases for economics and business in the University Library
Resources Outside Saint Peter’s University
Various websites on the Internet have useful links to other websites that provide information, data, or news about economics, economists, or things that are related to economics. The following is a partial list:
Resources for Economists on the Internet
Gardener’s World Economics – This includes links to the working papers available at the Federal Reserve Banks in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New York, San Francisco, and St. Louis.
American Economic Association
Job Opportunities for Economists
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Bank for International Settlements – Contains links to many central banks in the world. Central banks are a great source of economic data for their countries.