Undergraduate Education


Helpful Resources

What is Tk20?

Tk20 HigherEd™ is a comprehensive assessment system designed to address programmatic assessment needs. To ensure that Saint Peter’s University School of Education graduates are prepared to work in their chosen professions, as well as to satisfy all assessment-related requirements of accrediting and approval bodies for quality programs, the School of Education conducts systematic assessment of candidates, programs, and operations.

Assessment requirements to maintain state approvals and national accreditation are very specific, extensive, and complex. The Saint Peter’s University School of Education assessment plan has been developed to meet these requirements. Several tools are used by the School of Education to manage the assessment plan including Tk20, a system that allows students to submit a variety of assessments (course embedded assignments, clinical experience evaluations, program specific observations, portfolios, etc.) that are used to measure candidate performance. These assessments are then connected to other candidate performance data such as scores on entrance and certification tests and grades in courses. Programs then use these multiple sources of data to examine and improve courses and make curricular and procedural revisions that are needed to improve student learning.

In a number of key courses, Tk20 is a required instructional resource. Tk20 can be viewed as similar to textbooks, the Blackboard course management system, and other integral educational resources. The Tk20 subscription is active for 10 years.

Tk20 training is offered every semester to students and faculty who are new to the system. Additional training opportunities on specific features are offered as needs become apparent.

Ask for Help

If you need assistance with the system, please contact Robert B. Adelson at radelson@saintpeters.edu for help.