Undergraduate Education

Learning Goals & Mission

Mission of the School of Education

The mission of the School of Education is to provide students with a value-oriented education based on the Catholic and Jesuit traditions. The programs are grounded in educational psychology and the methodologies of teaching.   Students in the programs develop professional attitudes and behaviors that emphasize the enormous responsibility they assume as education professionals.

Undergraduate Education Programs

Objectives: Saint Peter’s University is a humanistic institution where the study of the liberal arts is considered the foundation of all educational programs. The University offers bachelors and associate degree programs which are based on the principle that knowledge in a specific field gains depth, broadness of interpretation, and an understanding of moral values only when based on the humanistic disciplines. The purpose of education is to analyze ideas, to probe mysteries, to suggest solutions to problems, to express thoughts, to understand, and to question the phenomenon of permanence amidst change. In short, education is the process of preparing personally and professionally for one’s life work.

Program Level Broad-Based Learning Goals:

  • Students will be prepared to enter elementary or secondary classrooms as caring, professionally prepared, effective teachers.
  • Students completing the teacher training program will be well grounded in the subject matter content of their discipline.
  • Students completing the teacher training program will be knowledgeable in the methodology to teach that content effectively.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to construct a lesson plan.
  • Students will be able to design an instructional unit.
  • Students will be able to use subject matter knowledge and pedagogy when developing instructional plans.
  • Students will be able to develop assessment measures.
  • Students will be able to develop effective classroom management skills.