GS-136. Intro Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered. 3.00 Credits.
This course will offer students an introduction to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered studies. Along with a focus on the history of this topic as a social movement, the course examines the topic from community, social justice and lifestyle perspectives.
GS-137. Nonviolence Community Org. Social Move. 3.00 Credits.
A study of violence and human nature the theory and practice of nonviolence, how conflicts - local and global - can be solved nonviolently and the lives of past and current peacemakers, including Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day and many others.
GS-140. Introduction to Women's Studies. 3.00 Credits.
This interdisciplinary course introduces students to women's studies, including its roots in the feminist and civil rights movements and the construction of gender in culture and society, giving specific attention to forms of gender inequality in the family, workplace, religion, healthcare, and relationships. Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-216. Gender Sexuality & Religion. 3.00 Credits.
Religion is known to have devoted considerable energy to regulate sexual norms and gender roles. This course seeks to help students to understand the social construction of religion, gender and sexuality. It will analyze and examine how different religions view gender and sexuality and how religion construct, reconstruct, and deconstruct gendernorms and sexuality. Prerequisites: SO-121.
GS-223. Latin Amer Today: People Culture Issue. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides an overview of the diverse societies of Latin America from a social science perspective. We will explore everyday life and experiences as they relate to culture and diversity, race, ethnicity and gender, politics and the economy, migration and urbanization, social justice and pop culture.
GS-230. Black American Politics. 3.00 Credits.
This course will examine the political behavior of African Americans in the United States. Students will examine the relationship between African Americans and the American political system in order to gain a broader perspective of the American political process. Issues of leadership, representation and empowerment strategies will be addressed. We will consider various forms of participation as we attempt to assess Black political empowerment. We will consider the behavior of Blacks within political institutional settings and at various levels of government. We will also discuss issues such as Black political thought (conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism) and contemporary issues in African American politics.
GS-253. Social Deviance. 3.00 Credits.
Explores the concepts of social norms, egocentricity, and ethnocentricity. Examines the relativity of deviance including criminal behavior, human sexuality, drug use, suicide, and other alternative forms of behavior.
GS-256. Sociology of Sports. 3.00 Credits.
This course uses both readings and films to explore the impact of economic and political forces and changing constructions of gender and social values on organized athletics at the professional and amateur levels. Prerequisites: ONE SEQUENCE: PL-130 PL-140 OR 2 COURSES FROM TH: SO-121.
GS-273. Global Feminisms. 3.00 Credits.
This interdisciplinary course explores global issues and debates regarding significant issues affecting women's lives and opportunities for equality. Prerequisites: WS-140; Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-275. Indigenous Civilizations: Olmecs to Inka. 3.00 Credits.
This course will examine the cultures, including their rises and falls, of a number of pre-Columbian cultures from archeological and cultural anthropological perspectives. Inca, Mayan, Aztec, and Others. Prerequisites: SO-121. Prerequisites: SO-121; Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-276. Comparative Social Movements. 3.00 Credits.
From Hong Kong to Chile, Wall Street to Plaza de Mayo, the last few years have demonstrated that the politics of protest and collective mobilization play an ever more relevant part in the contemporary dynamics of political resistance and social change. Through the comparative study of social movements around the globe, this course provides an overview of theoretical approaches and transdisciplinary insights into the study of collective action. Class discussions will go beyond stigmatized connections between social action and social unrest to explore topics such as performance and everyday resistance strategies, power and identity relations and other factors that allow for a critical perspective on the field.
GS-285. Gender & Communication. 3.00 Credits.
This course is an introduction to the field of study of communications and gender. The objective is the explanation, observation, discussion and understanding of gender and how it affects communication at the personal, group, organization and societal levels and how gender is portrayed in our culture through digital technology and the mass media. Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-297. Fat Feminism and Comparative Politics. 3.00 Credits.
A look at the American diet industry and medical institutions as they relate to the intersection of fat-phobia as anti blackness. A connection to how modern feminism has shaped the body positivity movement and the evolution of fat politics.
GS-308. Women and American Politics. 3.00 Credits.
This course will analyze the participation of women in American political life; examine women's public roles and the effects of feminism in altering women's public roles in both historical and contemporary contexts; delve into women's participation in electoral politics; understand women's behavior and influence as public officials; and analyze the intersection of gender with other categories such as race/ethnicity and political party. We'll study the historic 2020 presidential election, the gender gap, and attitudes towards Vice President nominee Kamala Harris and other presidential/vice presidential candidates. This course is designed to introduce students to the study of gender and U.S. politics including the central questions, concepts, and debates in the field.
GS-309. Women in Changing Urban World. 3.00 Credits.
Historical and contemporary examination of urban revolution as social basis for changing roles of women. Generation of conflicts and possibilities. Implications for society. Prerequisites: UR-151 OR SO-121.
GS-310. Feminist Political Theory. 3.00 Credits.
Historical overview of feminist political activity in the United States and an analysis of feminist theory: liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, radical feminism, and post-modern feminism. Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-311. Philosophy and Bob Dylan. 3.00 Credits.
An investigation of the philosophical, ethical and cultural themes in Bob Dylan's lyrics. Philosophical ideas such as appearance versus reality, truth and knowledge, and good and evil will be explored through a comprehensive study of Dylan's music. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.
GS-316. Hip Hop and US Political Life. 3.00 Credits.
An examination and discussion of Hip Hop's political origins and how the musical genre provides insight into the social and political climate of America.
GS-319. Politics and Pandemics. 3.00 Credits.
The COVID-19 pandemic sparked intense discussion about the political and economic factors and responses that have shaped this most recent iteration of a world pandemic. This course considers the political, economic, and climate change realities that have ushered forth the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as previous world vital catastrophes. Also, it looks at what these epidemics reveal about the injustices that permeate societies, and why marginalized communities, such as immigrants, communities of color, the elderly, and the economically impoverished disproportionately bear the brunt of the pandemic's brutal effects. Finally, and in the words of Arundhati Roy, how might we walk through the portal of the pandemic in a liberated way?.
GS-322. Socialism and Social Movements;Socialism and Social Movements. 3.00 Credits.
This course introduces the student to the "ABC's" of socialism, it's thought and practice, and its various iterations. The class considers why more people see socialism as an alternative to capitalism and study the social movements that have striven to bring life to its theory and practice. The class also emphasizes practices of democracy, justice, diversity, and Green Socialism.
GS-326. The Anthropology of Gender. 3.00 Credits.
This course is a cross cultural, comparative and historical examination of the different constructions of gender (masculinity and feminism) and how gender has shaped the perspectives, methods and subject matter of anthropology's four fields. Prerequisites: SO-140 OR WS-140 Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-333. Gender Crime and Justice. 3.00 Credits.
An in-depth survey of changing social values about gender, changing criminal codes about sex crimes, changing law enforcement policies and procedures in prosecuting sex offenders, and emerging legal doctrines about privacy and sexual rights. Prerequisites: CJ-170 OR CJ-390 OR SO-121 OR WS-140.
GS-335. Veils to Vestments Women Ancient Rel. 3.00 Credits.
Veils to Vestments: Women's Leadership in Ancient Religion explores the religious roles and offices taken by women in antiquity using evidence from the Bible and Greco-Roman world. Methodologies for uncovering this evidence and reconstructing women's history will be evaluated. We also consider its implications and applications for the twenty-first century. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Writing Intensive, Pluralism, Mission Seminar.
GS-337. Non-Western Perspective to Int Relations. 3.00 Credits.
This course will introduce the study of International Relations (IR) from post-colonial and decolonial perspectives. Course readings and discussions will examine biases and limitations of mainstream western-oriented perspectives on the field. While recognizing the varied scope of post-colonial and decolonial literature, course materials will explore "subaltern" frames of reference that cut across North-South divides, debate racialized and genderized assumptions about nationality and culture, and promote "counter-hegemonic" reflection on prevailing concepts, norms and institutions in IR.
GS-340. Feminist Philosophy. 3.00 Credits.
This class will investigate trends in feminist philosophy, with close attention given to the influence of gender considerations on philosophical theory. Topics for discussion include feminist epistemology and political theory, and patriarchy. This class is a Values course. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Pluralism.
GS-342. Philosophy of Race and Gender. 3.00 Credits.
A study of the philosophical theories pertaining to race and gender. Prerequisites: PL-130 OR PL-140.
GS-345. Sociology of Intimacy. 3.00 Credits.
This course will explore sexual scripts the social control of marrying negotiating and bargaining marriage roles the dynamics of family interaction conflict and divorce. Prerequisites: SO-121 OR UR-151.
GS-350. Human Sexuality in Health Education. 3.00 Credits.
An overview of human sexuality and behavior with special emphasis on health education.
GS-351. Latina/O/X Communities. 3.00 Credits.
An in-depth examination of the social, cultural, economic, historical, and political contexts shaping the experiences of long-established and recent immigrant Latino/a/x and Latin American groups in the United States. The course will examine the formation of communities in different geographical regions, as well as by national, socio-cultural, ethnic, and political affinities. Prerequisites: SO-121 OR UR-151 OR LS-101; Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-360. LGBTQ Drama. 3.00 Credits.
This Group 4 course will focus on 20th and 21st Century American drama that deals with the subject of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer life. Members of the community wrote some pieces others use an LGBTQ character in a unique manner. All of the pieces contend with the history of this minority group in a historical context each piece seeks to decipher the place of minority (and often multi-minority) cultures in America. Prerequisites: EL-123.
GS-368. Health & Inequalities:RaceClass&Gender. 3.00 Credits.
This course critically examines the relationship between health status and social inequalities along the lines of race and ethnicity, social class and gender from a sociological perspective concentratring on how low socioeconomic status leads to poor health, how racial/gender bias affects medical care and health outcomes, and addresses ideas for reducing health disparities. Prerequisites: SO-121; Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-370. Urban Anthropology. 3.00 Credits.
An exploration of the emergence of urban culture in its present form from its neolithic roots. Emphasis on urban life in the New Jersey area, with reference to the peoples and cultures in urban environments world-wide. Prerequisites: SO-121 OR UR-151; Course Type(s): Writing Intensive.
GS-380. Spatial Justice Cities and Resistence. 3.00 Credits.
Spatial Justice is an invitation to discuss social justice by looking at places and spaces around us. How much does the design of our cities reflect and offer insights into social and economic inequalities? How do city spaces influence embodied aspects of our daily lives? How can structured or spontaneous acts of spatial resistance impact broader social dynamics? Through the comparative study of urban social dynamics around the world, this course will discuss the contradictory ways in which spaces are socially constructed, consider different urban experiences in relation to race, gender, class, and sexual orientation, investigate spacial resistance dynamics, and explore how those can be applied to the promotion of more just and inclusive social & spatial realities.
GS-384. Cultural Anthropology. 3.00 Credits.
An analysis of the development of anthropology as an offshoot from Sociology; an examination of the differences in the methodology of anthropology and Sociology in the study of a variety of cultures. Prerequisites: SO-121 OR UR-151; COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Writing Intensive, Pluralism.
GS-406. Ancient Gender and Sexuality. 3.00 Credits.
In this course, we will explore the diverse topic of gender and sexuality in the ancient world. We will examine a variety of ancient primary sources, both written and material/archaeological, that can provide us evidence for ancient thinking, expression, and lived experience of sexuality and gender. We will also consider ancient modes of philosophy, expression, and experience of sexuality and gender alongside modern perspectives on these topics, as they flow and evolve throughout human history and culture. Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-419. Secret Lives of Ancient Women. 3.00 Credits.
A deep dive into the domestic life, religious identity, works, texts, and visual representations of ancient women.
GS-428. Literature/Culture/Soc Issues/W Africa. 3.00 Credits.
A study of seminal texts representing the Malinke, Igbo, Ghanaian, Wolof, Bambara, and Senegalese peoples of West Africa. Prerequisites: ONE SEQUENCE: PL-130 PL-140 OR 2 COURSES FROM TH: Course Type(s): Values.
GS-481. Immigration: Walls Or Welcome?. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on past and present immigration policies in the U.S. as well as immigration activism. Course Type(s): Pluralism.
GS-486. Seminar: Genocide. 3.00 Credits.
After a thorough conceptualization of genocide, the course will examine case studies of modern genocide, ranging from the 20th and 21st centuries.
GS-490. Urban Field Work. 3.00 Credits.
Introductory level of field work emphasizing synthesis of social theories with work experience. Seminars held and an evaluation paper required.
GS-491. Advanced Urban Field Work. 3.00 Credits.
Advanced level of field work emphasizing synthesis of social theories with work experience. Seminars held and an evaluation paper required.
GS-492. Urban Internship. 3.00 Credits.
Advanced levels of field work emphasizing synthesis of social theories with work experience. Seminars held and an evaluation paper required.
GS-493. Advanced Urban Internship. 3.00 Credits.
Advanced levels of field work emphasizing synthesis of social theories with work experience. Seminars held and an evaluation paper required.
GS-495. Internshp in Intern'l Settings. 3.00 Credits.
Planned and supervised off-campus working experiences overseas or with international organizations integrated with independent academic study under the tutelage of the Director of International and intercultural Studies.