Health & Physical Education and Exercise Science


EX Courses

EX-103. Prin & Found of Phys Education. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of the historical and philosophical development of physical education from ancient times to the present. To acquaint the student with physical education as a profession. Course Type(s): Pluralism.

EX-122. Nutrition in Health and Disease. 3.00 Credits.

This course will explore a wealth of current information surrounding optimal nutrition and its association with disease prevention. Students will learn how to develop and implement a personal diet plan utilizing relevant nutritional recommendations and research for the enhancement of health and well-being.

EX-220. Concepts of Human Health & Disease. 3.00 Credits.

A survey of the mechanisms of disease, their expression in major organ systems, the factors that cause disruption of healthy body functions, leading to disease, and disease prevention. The goal is to use scientific reasoning to make informed decisions about matters related to human biology and health. Prerequisites: BI-171 AND BI-172 MINIMUM GRADE C.

EX-255. Fitness and Wellness. 3.00 Credits.

This course helps students adopt and maintain behavior associated with an active and healthy lifestyle. Through lecture and exercise, students will learn behavioral patterns consistent with current knowledge in fitness and wellness.

EX-271. Concepts of Public Health. 3.00 Credits.

Introduction to Public Health Issues - public health laws, policy cycle, demographics, and epidemiological concepts and applications.

EX-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

EX-310. Kinesiology. 3.00 Credits.

Application of facts and principles of anatomy and mechanics to the study of human motion, including the systematic approach to the analysis of motor skill activities.

EX-311. Biomechanics. 3.00 Credits.

The study of the laws of mechanics as they relate to physical movement, skill development, and athletic performance. Special attention is paid to the muscular, joint, and skeletal actions of the body and how they may impact performance.

EX-352. Exercise Physiology I. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the physiological effects of movement on the human body and the relationship existing among muscular, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.

EX-353. Exercise Physiology II. 3.00 Credits.

The continued study of the physiological effects of movement on the human body and the relationships existing among muscular, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. Prerequisites: BI-172 Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

EX-360. Sports Medicine. 3.00 Credits.

To teach students the basis of being a certified athletic trainer and includes injury recognition, prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and administration of athletic injuries.

EX-410. Legal & Ethical Issues in Sports. 3.00 Credits.

A hybrid values course that includes topics in policy development, labor movement in sports, collective bargaining in sports organizations, ethical dilemmas and implications. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

EX-498. Internship in HEPE. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health and Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

EX-499. Internship. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health & Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

HE Courses

HE-122. Nutrition in Health and Disease. 3.00 Credits.

This course will explore a wealth of current information surrounding optimal nutrition and its association with disease prevention. Students will learn how to develop and implement a personal diet plan utilizing relevant nutritional recommendations and research for the enhancement of health and well-being.

HE-150. Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging. 3.00 Credits.

The investigation of the physiological age-related changes that occur in the later stages of life with a special emphasis on the necessary adaptations to exercise and nutrition.

HE-200. Compl Thrpy Health Wellness Cognition. 3.00 Credits.

The course will cover the depth and breadth of research-supported information on optimizing health, well-being, cognition and quality of life through complementary therapies. We will cover the implementation of these complementary therapies in the business environment, education environment, mental health environment, and through the exercise science platform. Some of the modalities covered and practiced in this course include meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, mindfulness based stress reduction, stress management coping strategies, and age-related coping strategies for a lifetime.

HE-271. Concepts of Public Health. 3.00 Credits.

Introduction to Public Health Issues - public health laws, policy cycle, demographics, and epidemiological concepts and applications.

HE-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

Co-operative education experience. Course Type(s): Independent Study.

HE-301. Technology in Health and Fitness. 3.00 Credits.

This class is a comprehensive introduction to technology in the physical education classroom, and health and fitness and sport-oriented facilities. It explores developmentally appropriate usage of educational technology in the home, school, and workplace as it relates to the development and maintenance of optimal health and fitness. Emphasis is on computer and Internet technologies. The course includes hands-on computer techniques, critical analysis of National Technology Standards, practical experience with curriculum design, and technology-driven exercise prescription.

HE-350. Human Sexuality in Health Education. 3.00 Credits.

An overview of human sexuality and behavior with special emphasis on health education.

HE-486. Current Issues in Health Education. 3.00 Credits.

To study relevant current health issues such as obesity, unhealthy dietary problems, apnea, tobacco use, alcohol, drugs, heart disease and cancer.

HE-498. Internship in HEPE. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health and Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

HE-499. Internship. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health & Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

PE Courses

PE-103. Prin & Found of Phys Education. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of the historical and philosophical development of physical education from ancient times to the present. To acquaint the student with physical education as a profession. Course Type(s): Pluralism.

PE-150. Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging. 3.00 Credits.

The investigation of the physiological age-related changes that occur in the later stages of life with a special emphasis on the necessary adaptations to exercise and nutrition.

PE-200. Adapt Phys Ed for Special Needs Students. 3.00 Credits.

This course will provide an overview of adaptive physical education including an expanded definition, historical background, classifications and IEP development, assessment practices and teaching and instructional strategies for the special needs students.

PE-202. Fundamentals of Coaching. 3.00 Credits.

An overview of current coaching theory and practice with a special emphasis on the scientific literature depicting best practices and professionalism. In addition, course content will include pedagogy, ethics, the physiological and psychological aspects of athlete development and approaches to teaching technical and tactical skills. This course includes field experience and active learning modules.

PE-240. Teaching of Skills Activities I. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the basic principles, content, organization and curriculum for individual, dual and team activities for elementary school students. Includes methods and teaching strategies, program evaluation and peer teaching. Variable sport activities.

PE-241. Teaching of Skills Activities II. 3.00 Credits.

A study of basic principles, content, organization & curriculum for individual, dual & team activities for middle school and high school students. Includes methods and teaching strategies, program evaluation and peer teaching. Variable sports activities.

PE-250. Sport Communication. 3.00 Credits.

Media and public relations strategies in the sports industry are reviewed. Exposure to the use of web publications/multimedia and development. Prerequisites: SM-228.

PE-255. Fitness and Wellness. 3.00 Credits.

This course helps students adopt and maintain behavior associated with an active and healthy lifestyle. Through lecture and exercise, students will learn behavioral patterns consistent with current knowledge in fitness and wellness. Course Type(s): Mission Seminar.

PE-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

Co-operative education experience. Course Type(s): Independent Study.

PE-301. Technology in Health and Fitness. 3.00 Credits.

This class is a comprehensive introduction to technology in the physical education classroom, and health and fitness and sport-oriented facilities. It explores developmentally appropriate usage of educational technology in the home, school, and workplace as it relates to the development and maintenance of optimal health and fitness. Emphasis is on computer and Internet technologies. The course includes hands-on computer techniques, critical analysis of National Technology Standards, practical experience with curriculum design, and technology-driven exercise prescription.

PE-310. Kinesiology. 3.00 Credits.

Application of facts and principles of anatomy and mechanics to the study of human motion, including the systematic approach to the analysis of motor skill activities.

PE-311. Biomechanics. 3.00 Credits.

The study of the laws of mechanics as they relate to physical movement, skill development, and athletic performance. Special attention is paid to the muscular, joint, and skeletal actions of the body and how they may impact performance.

PE-350. Sport Facility Operation & Event Mgmt. 3.00 Credits.

Planning, Organization and Operation of Sport Facilities and management of events.

PE-352. Exercise Physiology I. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the physiological effects of movement on the human body and the relationship existing among muscular, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.

PE-353. Exercise Physiology II. 3.00 Credits.

The continued study of the physiological effects of movement on the human body and the relationships existing among muscular, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. Prerequisites: BI-172 Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PE-360. Sports Medicine. 3.00 Credits.

To teach students the basis of being a certified athletic trainer and includes injury recognition, prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and administration of athletic injuries.

PE-410. Legal & Ethical Issues in Sports. 3.00 Credits.

A hybrid values course that includes topics in policy development, labor movement in sports, collective bargaining in sports organizations, ethical dilemmas and implications. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

PE-450. The Global Sports Industry. 3.00 Credits.

The history and issues in sports from a global perspective. A pluralistic lens is used to explore the relationship of gender, culture, and social institutions on sports.

PE-498. Internship in HEPE. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health and Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

PE-499. Internship. 3.00 Credits.

Field work experience in the areas of Sports Management and/or Health & Physical Education. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.