Facilities & Resources
Come check out our newly renovated conference room!

With the addition of comfortable seating and a television connected to Airtame, the newly renovated conference room is used for small seminar-style classes and student club meetings.
The History Department’s Conference Room (located in Hilsdorf Faculty Memorial Hall Room 304) was recently renovated to make it more comfortable for our students. With the addition of funky sofas, an Airtame-compatible television screen, and some homey plant friends, this colorful room is the heart of our department’s activities. The conference room acts as a classroom for several small, seminar-style courses — including the Tuleja capstone — and as the hub for the John T. Coughlin History Club meetings and game nights. Drop in to say hello between classes or stay for some coffee and conversation at lunchtime!
Opportunities for History Students
- The O’Reilly Family Scholarship is a partial scholarship established in 1990 and is awarded to designated History majors with a concentration in American History.
Members of the John T. Coughlin History Club found a familiar face in Lo Spagnoletto’s The Tears of Saint Peter, ca. 1612-13 (oil on canvas) during their annual trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. From left to right: Hunter Criollo ’20, Gineen Abuali ’21, Dashawn Evans ’21, Sara Gonzalez ’20, and Tory Longer ’22.
The John T. Coughlin History Club is an academic student organization open to any student of the University with an interest in history and the desire to promote the study of history and discussion of historical questions at Saint Peter’s University. Named after a late, long-time professor of the University, the club’s mission is to arouse interest in and promote a respect for the study of history. The club’s main efforts include exposing the student body to moments of historical significance through movie nights and local excursions.
- Phi Alpha Theta, The National History Honor Society (Pi-Pi Chapter) has been active at Saint Peter’s University since the spring of 1970. The society aims at gathering Honors students, both majors and minors, and their professors in projects to foster historical research, presentation, and publication.
- The Department sponsors several awards for outstanding student achievement, including the Konstantyn Sawczuk (’56) Award, the Rev. John F. Wrynn, S.J. Award, and the Cappelluti Medal.
Graduate Programs and Career Paths
Students interested in applying for graduate school can get assistance with applications, scholarships, and fellowships; students can talk to their academic advisors and should inquire about testing, admissions, and application deadlines.
Along with careers in academia, there are many other directions in which you can take your History degree. As recent data has shown, employers are looking for graduates who have the skills essential to a degree in the liberal arts and humanities: critical thinking, extensive writing, and in-depth research. Here are some examples.
Museums: The American Association of Museums www.aam-us.org
Archives: Society of American Archivists www2.archivists.org
Historical Societies: The American Association for State and Local History www.aaslh.org
Government: Many history positions are classified under the “GS-170 Historian” www.usajobs.gov (just type “history” into the search!). Also see The National Council on Public History www.ncph.org and The Society for History in the Federal Government www.shfg.org
Business: Many of our graduates use their research skills to pursue careers in the private sector. In addition, students can work as a history consultant while holding another career.
See https://www.historians.org/jobs-and-professional-development/career-resources/careers-for-students-of-history/historians-as-consultants-and-contractors for more on private business and media consultants.
For further information go to https://www.historians.org/jobs-and-professional-development/career-resources. To see job postings for historians, go to https://careers.historians.org/jobs for careers in higher education, or https://www.historians.org/jobs-and-professional-development/career-resources/careers-in-public-history for careers in public history.