Khadija, First Lady of Islam: An Exclusive Lecture
Dr. Maria Americo, Assistant Professor of History, has been invited to give a lecture at the Roosevelt Island Branch of the New York Public Library on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. The topic of her lecture is “Khadija, First Lady of Islam,” and will include research from her forthcoming monograph about Khadija, the first wife […]
Ancient Art as Primary Source: A Global Digital Art Exhibit
In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the History Department present an interactive program with Dr. Maria Americo. Taking place on Monday, March 29, 2021 at 12pm, “Ancient Art as Primary Source: A Global Digital Art Exhibit,” will introduce the idea of art as a primary historical source, […]
44th Annual Sawczuk Conference scheduled for April 14, 2021
Despite the ongoing pandemic, the History Department will hold the 44th Annual Sawczuk Conference. Please join us at 3pm on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 via Zoom. At this annual departmental conference, named in memory of Professor Konstantin Sawczuk, students and faculty present their research to the university community. This year, seniors Gineen Abuali and Jacob Adelhoch […]
History professors take part in Black History Month Programming
As part of Saint Peter’s University’s Black History Month Programming, two History Department professors will be hosting virtual talks. On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 11am, classes are encouraged to join Dr. David Gerlach, Chair of the History Department and Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, for a discussion of race-based nationalism in Weimar […]

FREE & VIRTUAL 41st Annual Marion Thompson Wright Lecture Series
Students from Saint Peter’s University are invited to attend the free and virtual 41st Annual Marion Thompson Wright Lecture Series presented by Rutgers University-Newark’s The Clement A. Price Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience on Saturday, February 20, 2021 beginning at 9:30am. This year’s series theme is “One Begins Again.” And when the dream […]

Three students inducted into Phi Alpha Theta
On Monday, December 7, the History Department held a virtual induction ceremony for three new members of Phi Alpha Theta, the National History Honors Society. Seniors Gineen Abuali, Jacob Adelhoch, and Ian Concevitch (not pictured) were accepted to the society for their exceptional academic achievements as History majors. The department faculty and staff, along with […]
Internship Opportunities available during COVID-19
Although many of the metropolitan area’s cultural institutions have been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some museums, government offices, and non-profit organizations are still looking for student interns. Check out our list of Internships for Undergraduates 2020-2021 for a list of places still offering internships for the spring and summer of 2021. Some institutions are offering […]
Post-graduate studies during COVID-19
It is no secret that higher education has been hit hard by the current COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. A recent article published by The Chronicle of High Education lists 25 universities which have suspended doctoral admissions for fall 2021, including programs of interest to our History majors, such as Rutgers University’s American Studies Program, NYU’s […]
Dr. Maria Americo interviewed by colleague, Dr. Kate Leach of Harvard University
Associate Professor of History, Dr. Maria Americo, is known as the Jill-of-all-trades when it comes to pre-modern history at Saint Peter’s University. This weekend, Dr. Americo took part in an interview with her colleague, Dr. Kate Leach, of Harvard University. Dr. Leach’s invited Dr. Americo to speak to her students about science in the Middle […]
Documentary showing “Joachim Prinz: I Shall Not Be Silent” & conversation with filmmaker, Dr. Rachel Fisher
On Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 3pm the History Department, the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences present the documentary Joachim Prinz: I Shall Not Be Silent. The film tells the story of Rabbi Joachim Prinz, who was expelled from Germany in 1937 after multiple arrests […]