Gustavo Perez Firmat, Poet, Comes to Campus as Part of Latinx Heritage Month
Through the efforts and connections of Dan Figueredo, adjunct professor in the English department and in collaboration with the Latino Studies Program and the College of Arts & Sciences, Gustavo Perez Firmat, Ph.D., the David Feinson professor of the humanities at Columbia University and renowned poet, spoke on campus last week as part of Latinx […]

Letter to Saint Peter’s University Community re: Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Greater Caribbean
Dear SPU Community Members, On behalf of the Latinx Studies Program, the Latin American Service Organization, and several other working groups on campus, this message is a plea for all to join us in helping our devastated communities. In lieu of tonight’s scheduled movie, we will hold a planning session on how to respond to […]
Young Lords and Media Activism
Alex Trillo, director of Latin American/Latino studies, brought together more than 140 students, faculty and community members to hear Iris Morales, J.D., on the Young Lords and Media Activism on Wednesday, April 29. The event began with a screening of her documentary, “¡Pa’lante, Siempre Pa’lante!,” which is an overview of the struggles and achievements of […]

Students Present at the Society of Applied Anthropology Meetings in Pittsburgh
Eleven Saint Peter’s University students, who worked with five members of the Saint Peter’s faculty, presented papers at the Society of Applied Anthropology Meetings in Pittsburgh in March. The students are members of the Latin American/Latino studies program, the sociology and urban studies program, the English department and/or the Title V program. The papers included: […]

LALS Announces Fall 2013 Events
Sept. 14th: International Assembly of Migrants and Refugees information session and how to get involved. 5-8PM, Pope Lecture Hall. Sept. 16th: LASO Latino Heritage Month Opening Mixer/Fiesta and information on this year’s events. Noon, at Panepinto Plaza, Student Center. Sept. 18th: Title V Research Festival followed by dancing and dominoes. Duncan Skyroom. Research presentations at […]

The Dream is Now
The Latin American and Latino Studies Program encourages everyone to see The Dream is Now on On Tuesday May 7th at 1 PM in McIntyre Lounge, a 30 minute documentary on immigration reform.
Marx in Soho
The Saint Peter’s U. Latin American and Latino Studies Program Supports the Sociology Club’s presentation of “Marx in Soho.” A play about Karl Marx, his life & ideas Wednesday May 1 (May Day!) 6 P.M. in Pope Lecture Hall The audience will encounter a Marx who remains passionate about injustice, critical of inequality, and combative […]

We are calling on everyone to join us for a rally at the steps of Jersey City City Hall on April 24th at 5:30 P.M to urge for the passage on an ordinance that would establish an Immigrant Affairs Commission. This commission would serve to the needs of the immigrant community here in Jersey City. […]