Graduate Studies and Careers in Mathematics
Here are some links you can follow to find more information about graduate studies and careers in mathematics:
- The Mathematical Association of America is the world’s largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. They further the understanding of our world through mathematics because mathematics drives society and shapes our lives.” Check out their website mathcareers.
- The American Mathematical Society is dedicated to advancing research and connecting the diverse global mathematical community. They also have a page dedicated to careers in mathematics.
- As its name suggests, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics represents the interests of mathematicians working in industry and academic mathematicians working in applied mathematics. SIAM publishes a brochure on careers in mathematics.
- The National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) is a professional organization in the mathematical sciences with membership open to all persons interested in the mission and purpose of NAM which are promoting excellence in the mathematical sciences and promoting the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities.
- The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to create a community in which women and girls can thrive in their mathematical endeavors, and to promote equitable opportunity and treatment of women and others of marginalized genders and gender identities across the mathematical sciences. Here’s their page for careers.
- The American Statistical Association is the world’s largest community of statisticians” with the mission to “promote the practice and profession of statistics.” Check out their website This is Statistics for information on careers in statistics.
- The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the world’s largest mathematics education organization, the “public voice of mathematics education.
- The web site guides students, beginning in high school, on the path to becoming an actuary.
Guidelines for Majors and Minors
The Department provides the document Guidelines for Mathematics and Statistics Majors and Minors.
See this document for the tentative course rotation schedule.
There are checklists of courses that majors can use to monitor their progress.
- Mathematics Major (BS) Checklist
- Mathematics Major (BA – Elem Ed Concentration) Checklist
- Mathematics Major (BA – Secondary Ed Concentration) Checklist
Selecting Core Mathematics Courses
Depending on their majors, Saint Peter’s University students are required to take either 3 or 4 credits in mathematics to satisfy the core curriculum requirement. We provide a flow chart to help students and their advisors select the appropriate course.
Clubs & Organizations
Pi Mu Epsilon is a national mathematics honor society founded at Syracuse University and incorporated in 1914 under the laws of the State of New York. The chapter at Saint Peter’s University was chartered in 1968 and is called the New Jersey Epsilon Chapter.
Pictures from our Chapter’s Founding in 1968

The national president of Pi Mu Epsilon, Dr. J.C. Eves, presents the first charter to members of the newly formed Saint Peter’s Chapter. Present from the left to right and standing are Dr. Eileen L. Poiani who started the chapter; Rev. Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., president of Saint Peter’s; Dr. B. Melvin Kiernan, chair of the department. Also, in the picture are the first student officers of the organization.

First group of Saint Peter’s students inducted into Pi Mu Epsilon. Some of the women in the picture were from the first group of women to graduate from Saint Peter’s. For example, seated in the center is Dr. Carol Potyrala Bastek, class of 1970, who funded the Honors House on campus in memory of her late husband, Dr. James V. Bastek, class of 1967.
Pictures from our Chapter’s 50th Anniversary in 2018

Pictured are present and former faculty members of the department along with on the far right the Provost of Saint Peter’s, Dr. Frederick Bonato.

Members of Pi Mu Epsilon inducted in 2018.

Alumni members of Pi Mu Epsilon
2023 Induction Ceremony

Pictured from left to right are students Rachel Kuhl, Isabelle Bautista, Carolina Guedes, Aakash Pandey, and faculty Professor Jason Hammett and Dr. Laura Twersky.