Modern & Classical Languages


Dr. Mark DeStephano, Chairperson

The Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures offers a major in Spanish. Students may, with the permission of the Department and the Academic Dean, major in Modern Languages with a concentration in Italian and/or French.  Minors in French and Italian are also offered. All majors and minors must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in their major courses in order to be awarded their degree.

Requirements for Major in Spanish

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Six of the required credits for the major may count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

Select one of the following sequences:6
Intermediate Spanish I
and Intermediate Spanish II 1
Intermediate Spanish/Native Speakers I
and Intermediate Spanish/Native Speakers II 1
SP-243Survey: Literature of Spain I3
SP-244Survey: Literature of Spain II3
SP-245Survey of Hispanic American Literature I3
SP-246Hispanic-American Lit. II3
SP-Choose 6 Spanish Electives 218
Total Credits36

Special Notes on Requirements for the Spanish Major

Special Note on Interdisciplinary Modern Language (ML) Courses

Courses labeled ML (Modern Language) are interdisciplinary in scope and may be taught in English. Majors in the department may apply up to 15 credits in these courses towards their major requirements. Selected assignments will be required in the departmental student’s major language. 

Requirements for Minor in French

Required courses6
Intermediate French I
and Intermediate French II 1
FR-French Electives12
Total Credits18

Special Note on Requirements for the Minor in French

Requirements for Minor in Italian

Required courses6
IT-134Intermediate Italian II
IT-Italian Electives12
Total Credits18

Special Note on Requirements for the Minor in Italian

Requirements for Minor in Spanish

Select one of the following sequences:6
Intermediate Spanish I
and Intermediate Spanish II 1
Intermediate Spanish/Native Speakers I
and Intermediate Spanish/Native Speakers II 1
SP-243Survey: Literature of Spain I3
SP-244Survey: Literature of Spain II3
SP-245Survey of Hispanic American Literature I3
SP-246Hispanic-American Lit. II3
Total Credits18

Special Notes on Requirements for the Minor in Spanish

Core Curriculum World Languages Requirements

Any six-credit sequence (e.g., parts I and II consecutively-in the same academic year) in one of the modern or Classical languages offered by the Department is required of all students who are Bachelor’s Degree candidates. This requirement can be fulfilled in a number of ways and on a number of levels, namely:

  1. The Elementary courses (113-114) introduce the sounds, spelling and basic grammatical principles with emphasis on hearing and speaking the language. No student who has any previous study in the language is admitted to these courses. If students wish to continue further study in that language, they must register for the intermediate-level course or higher.
  2. Intermediate courses in a language (133-134, 135-136) seek to provide a solid foundation in all language skills, namely reading, writing, speaking and aural understanding and a foundation for continued study of a language on more advanced levels. Readings and material for oral practice include literature, past and present. Use of the language laboratory may be required at the discretion of the instructor. Prerequisite: one or two years of secondary school or one year of college-level elementary language .
  3. With departmental permission, any two language or literature courses in the same language above the intermediate level, which are dedicated to advanced practice in language skills or to particular topics in the study of literature.
  4. Completion of the Advanced Placement Examination in language and/or literature, with a grade of 4 or 5. The student will be awarded three credits for each Advanced Placement Examination in Language and/or Literature that has been passed with a grade of 4 or 5. If the student successfully passed both the language and the literature AP examinations, this will be considered as the successful completion of the World Languages Core Requirement. AP students who are awarded three credits of the language requirement must take the additional three credits in the same language at the advanced level (i.e., over the “200” level).
  5. Students may not fulfill the Core World Languages Requirement with Classical Civilization courses.
  6. Students may fulfill the World Languages Core Requirement by taking any two-course sequence in American Sign Language (when offered).
  7. Students may fulfill the World Languages Core Requirement by taking the two-course sequence in “Romance Language Synthesis, I and II”.
  8. Students fulfilling the core requirement with an elementary or intermediate level course must complete both parts of the course consecutively (i.e. both parts of the course must be taken in the same academic year). Students failing to complete the core requirement consecutively must begin a new language in order to fulfill the requirement. Exceptions may be made in special cases.

Proficiency Examinations

All proficiency examinations have been eliminated. The external examinations accepted by the Department is the AP Examination and International Baccalaureate (Higher Level). Other than this, the language requirement must be fulfilled through coursework at Saint Peter’s University. The Department does not accept CLEP test credits for the fulfillment of the Core World Languages requirement.