Students Went to See John Kerry at NJPAC
On October 10th, students went to see John Kerry speak in the New Jersey Speaker Series at NJPAC sponsored by Fareleigh Dickenson University.

Ginger Gold Schnitzer presented a workshop for the American Woman and Politics and the Girl Scouts of NJ
On Saturday, October 5, Ginger Gold Schnitzer, the Executive Director of the Guraini Institute for Government and Leadership presented a workshop for Rutgers University’s Center for the American Woman and Politics and the Girl Scouts of NJ. Schnitzer met with thirty girl scouts from around the state. The purpose of the workshop was to help […]

Alain Sanders Interview with Fox 5 News
On May 29th, Professor Alain Sanders was interviewed by Fox 5 News about President Trump and Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 presidential campaign. Professor Sanders teaches numerous courses in the political science department including those relating to the presidency, Congress, judicial process, constitutional law, and mass media. He is widely known for his exceptional ability to explain complicated […]
The Star Ledger and The Jersey Journal Come to the O’Toole Library
After class, students in Professor Plotch’s Research Methods class were delighted to see that the library is now getting the Star Ledger and the Jersey Journal delivered. The librarian took a photo of them while they were talking about the NFL draft, the new movie about Pablo Picasso, and the handshake between the Korean leaders.

Teach-In Workshop, Discussion
During this teach-in, faculty, staff, administrators, and students will discuss the #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, #CleanDaca, #SaveTPS, and #PRLevanta and how these campaigns contribute to the political climate. Date: February 5, 2018 Time: 10AM TO 2PM Location: Roy Irving Theatre
New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne, Jr., Speaks To American Government Class
Congressman Donald Payne, Jr., of New Jersey addresses Professor Alain Sanders’ American Government class. Congressman Payne spoke to the students about the work of a member of Congress, how he initially got into politics, and some current national issues such as homeland security, maintenance of the country’s infrastructure, and immigration.

The Department of Political Science Welcomes You to an Open House
On Wednesday, November 9th, The Department of Political Science will be hosting an open house in the Roy Irving Theater. For more info, contact Joe DeLorenzo