Theology Club Visits The Jewish Heritage Museum
On April 30, the Theology Club sponsored their last trip of the spring semester to The Jewish Heritage Museum: A living Memorial to the Holocaust.It was a great day of fellowship and education. The Theology Club will see everyone in the fall with more exciting field trips.

Theology Student Receives Achievement Award
On Wednesday, April 26, the Theology Honor Society, Theta Alpha Kappa, Alpha Iota Chapter, awarded its Undergraduate Achievement Award to Alexandros Stamatiou ’17, current chapter president, at a gathering in the theology department, Pictured above are Stamatiou and Susan L. Graham, Ph.D., chapter moderator.

Theology Club Takes a Trip
On Saturday, November 5, the theology club visited the Rubin Museum of Art. The Jewish Heritage Holocaust Museum trip will take place on December 5.

Theology Professor Featured in International Magazine
Professor Eileen P. Flynn, Ph,D. is featured in the latest issue of The Montreal Review, an international online magazine that features contributors from Pulitzer Prize winners to world-class journalists and academics. Check out Dr. Flynn’s feature “A Primer on the Vatican Bank” here.