“Saint Peter’s University believes in innovation in higher education, and the APEX initiative is a testament to the University’s commitment of providing value to its students.” – President Hubert Benitez, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Are you a high school educator who knows a student that would be the perfect fit for APEX? You’ve read about what we are looking for and you know your students best. This innovative educational opportunity is for the best, brightest and most ambitious. If you know a student that fits that description, download our one-pager and share it with them! We’d love to hear from them, as recommended by you.

Did you know that Saint Peter’s University is also an associate degree-granting dual enrollment partner institution? If your school or district is interested in expanding its dual enrollment offerings and beginning an associate degree program for highly motivated students, Saint Peter’s is ready to partner with you. Contact us today at apex@saintpeters.edu to learn more and schedule a preliminary conversation.
Imagine what your students can achieve with APEX!
For more information about APEX, please contact us at apex@saintpeters.edu.