Mission Integration & Ministry

Catholic Life

“First and foremost, every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth”
Pope Benedict XVI

We recognize that Saint Peter’s University is a diverse community and we are committed to cultivating each individual’s unique journey towards God. We are committed to providing faith filled, joyful, liturgical worship where all are welcome. 


photo of Dr. Benitez being blessed during inaugural mass

Mass Schedule

Saint Peter’s Chapel 
Wednesdays @ 3:00PM
We celebrate Spanish Mass once a semester in Saint Peter’s Chapel. 

Saint Aedan’s: The Saint Peter’s University Church
Sundays @ 9:00AM (English), 11:00AM (Spanish), 1:00PM (English)
Monday – Friday @ 12:10PM (English)

Liturgical Ministry

Students are encouraged to be involved in the Mass in any of the following Liturgical Ministry roles:

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Lectors
  • Altar Servers
  • Sacristans
  • Greeters/Ushers
  • Cantors & Musicians

If you are interested in assisting in one of these liturgical ministry roles, whether you have previous experience or are seeking training, contact campusministry@saintpeters.edu

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Confessions take place every Friday from 1 to 1:30 PM in St. Aedan’s Church. Both penitent and priest are required to wear masks for the duration of the Confession. You may also reach out to any of the Jesuits on campus to schedule a time for Confession. 

Eucharistic Adoration

Twice a month we offer Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament either in Saint Peter’s Chapel or Saint Aedan’s. 

Sacramental Preparation

Campus Ministry and Saint Aedan’s provide formation for members of our community who wish to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) in the Catholic Church. Because each person’s circumstances and faith journey are unique, we try to adapt the sacramental preparation to meet the needs of each person.

Discerning a Vocation

Curious about Jesuit life? Visit Be a Jesuit.