Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is any kind of unwanted sexual activity, from touching to rape. If you have been sexually assaulted, it is not your fault, and you are not alone. You can get help. You can call CAPS at (201) 761-6420 during regular business hours or the National Sexual Assault 24hr Hotline at: 800-656-HOPE (4673) .
More information about Saint Peter’s University’s Policy Against Sexual Misconduct.
Sexual Assault refers to illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent (underage, or physical or mental incapacity) or that places the assailant in a position of trust or authority.
Types of Sexual Assault
- Rape—sexual intercourse against a person’s will
- Forcible sodomy—anal or oral sex against a person’s will
- Forcible object penetration—penetrating someone’s vagina or anus, or causing that person to penetrate her or himself, against that person’s will
- Marital rape
- Unwanted sexual touching
- Sexual contact with minors, whether consensual or not
- Incest (Sexual intercourse or sexual intrusion between family members.)
- Any unwanted or coerced sexual contact
Sexual Harassment is behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation.
Learn more about what defines sexual harassment
Acquaintance Rape occurs when someone you know or trust forces you to have sexual intercourse. The perpetrator knows the victim, and often uses force, manipulation and coercion in order to achieve their motives. This is about power and control, not love or passion. Acquaintance rape can happen on a first date, at a party, when you have been going out for a long time, or at someone’s home/car.
It can happen in any relationship, including:
- Friends, classmates or co-workers
- Boyfriends and girlfriends
- Teachers and students
- Coaches and athletes
- Religious leaders and parishioners
- Doctors and patients
- Neighbors
Over 70% of rapes occur by a known perpetrator. Acquaintance rape is never the victim’s fault. It doesn’t matter where the victim was or what she was wearing. Rape is always the fault of the offender.
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault occurs when alcohol or drugs are used to compromise a person’s capacity to give consent. Substances used inhibit a person’s ability to resist, leave, or recall the sexual assault, making it easier for the perpetrator. Drug-facilitated sexual assault can happen to anyone, by anyone; a perpetrator can be a date, a stranger, an acquaintance, or someone you have known a long time. Alcohol remains the most commonly used drug in crimes of sexual assault.
Other drugs being used include, but are not limited to, Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid), GBL (Gamma-Butyrolactone), and ketamine.
Learn more about drug-facilitated sexual assault.
What you need to know about CONSENT!
Consent means actively agreeing to be sexual with someone. Consent lets someone know that sex is wanted. Sexual activity without consent is rape or sexual assault. Consent is a voluntary, sober, informed, mutual, and verbal agreement; it cannot be coerced or assumed even if given in the past. Consent must be given each and every time, and for each and every step of intimacy. Just because you are dating a person does not mean that you have natural permission to have sex with your partner, nor is it an obligation or requirement of a relationship. Consenting ahead of time does not waive a person’s right to change their mind later. Consent can be revoked at any time; responding to this with guilt or manipulation is a form of coercion.
Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious. If someone agrees under pressure it still is not consent because consent must be given freely. YES, free of pressure or duress, is consent; NO is NO, MAYBE is NOT yes, and nonverbal responses are NOT yes. If you are unsure if your partner has consented directly, ask them. It is the responsibility of the person initiating sexual activity to obtain clear consent.
Communication, respect and honesty make sex and relationships better. Asking for and getting consent shows that you have respect for both yourself and your partner. Positive views on sex and sexuality are empowering. The idea of consent helps to question traditional views about gender and sexuality and asking for it eliminates the entitlement that one partner may feel over the other. Neither your body nor your sexuality belong to anyone else but you! And it is normal and healthy for a partner to expect to be included in the consent process.
Learn more about what consent is and what it is not – Legal Role of Consent.