Center for English Language Acquisition and Culture

Center for English Language Acquisition and Culture

Our Vision

The CELAC program (Center for English Language Acquisition and Culture) has language classes for both international ESL and Generation 1.5 college students. Our courses are designed to increase the students’ linguistic and language acquisition skills in English in order to meet minimum college requirements for writing and composition. Utilizing culturally appropriate textbooks and activities, CELAC aims to empower students so that being bilingual becomes an asset in both academia and beyond. We also offer English classes that have a language acquisition focus.

Classes Offered

    • CM 100EA: English Fundamentals
    • CM 101EA: Introduction to Composition I For Bilingual Students
    • CM 102EA: Introduction to Composition II For Bilingual Students
    • CM 100LEA: Language Workshop (Taken for students in CM100EA, CM101EA, and CM102EA)
    • EL 206EA: Poetry for Bilingual Students
    • EL 207EA: Drama for Bilingual Students
    • EL 208EA: Fiction for Bilingual Students

Improve and Enhance your English Skills

Because we are a culturally and linguistically diverse community, Saint Peter’s University offers you a wide range of resources to support and promote academic success if your first or strongest language is not English.

Through placement assessment and interviews, we are able to determine your linguistic needs in order to provide you with services to improve and enhance your English skills.

We offer English Acquisition classes for students who need help with composition reading and writing.  We also offer Conversation Practice for community members and Graduate Tutoring for Saint Peter’s graduate students.

Language labs are equipped with state-of-the-art Mac computers where you can benefit from the many software programs and web based programs that promote language acquisition.