Center for English Language Acquisition and Culture

Writing Studies Department

Our Vision

Uniting professional communication and rhetorical studies, our dedicated faculty of scholars and working writers prepare and empower first-year students to be dynamic thinkers and writers in the 21st century. Writing Studies is an essential foundation for a diversity of careers in professional, civic, technical, and scientific writing; and also an effective prerequisite for graduate academic endeavors.

As the field of Writing Studies has evolved over the past fifty years into a fully-fledged discipline for pedagogy, research, and practice, the importance of the discipline is being recognized nationally as an essential component of teaching, learning, and scholarly inquiry.

Classes Offered

  • CM 100EA: English Fundamentals
  • CM 101EA: Introduction to Composition I For Bilingual Students
  • CM 102EA: Introduction to Composition II For Bilingual Students
  • CM 100LEA: Language Workshop (Taken for students in CM100EA, CM101EA, and CM102EA)
  • CM 101FC: Introduction to Composition I (Developmental course to buttress students’ foundational writing skills)
  • CM 102FC: Introduction to Composition II (Developmental course to buttress students’ foundational writing
  • CM 101: Introduction to Composition I
  • CM 102: Introduction to Composition II (Focuses on crafting a sophisticated research paper done in MLA style)
  • CM 102NU: Introduction to Composition II for Nursing Majors
  • CM 102HP: Introduction to Composition II for Honor’s Program Students