Loan Information / Apply for Loans
New Federal Loan Borrowers (Stafford, Parent Plus or Graduate Plus)
Returning Federal Loan Borrowers (Stafford, Parent Plus or Graduate Plus)
Private Loan Borrowers
All students who wish to receive Stafford Loans must complete and sign a Direct Stafford Master Promissory Note (MPN). All Master Promissory Notes must be completed online. There are no paper MPN’s
All student and parent borrowers who wish to receive a Stafford, Parent Plus and Graduate Plus Loan must complete an Entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) for each (Graduate Plus and Parent Plus borrowers must also complete a credit decision every academic year they wish to borrow the loan). All Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Notes must be completed online.
Click to view Federal Loan Limits
To ensure that you receive your Stafford Loans on time (complete the process listed below at, remember you must also sign a Financial Aid Award Letter accepting your loan eligibility.
NEW FEDERAL STAFFORD LOAN BORROWERS (Undergraduate or Graduate Student)
Go to to begin the loan process. All students are now required to create an FSAID and password so if you have not done so please go to to create one. If you know your FAFSA PIN number it will let you use the ID and password right away, all others will need to wait 3 days for Social Security check confirmation
- Enter your e-mail if you would like to receive your correspondence electronically and press update
- If you have not borrowed a student loan at Saint Peter’s University before follow the next steps by clicking Counseling and then choosing Entrance counseling.
- Choose your current education level and school information
- Read and answer the multiple choice questions
- When you reach the end you will get a confirmation Congratulating you on successfully completing the Entrance Counseling
- On the left hand column select COMPLETE MPN
- Complete personal , school , loan and personal references information sections
- Read terms and conditions, review information and sign MPN by typing in your name as it appears on the FAFSA application.
New Federal Parent Plus Loan Borrowers (Parent is the Borrower)
Make sure you have filled out and returned the award letter accepting your loan eligibility indicating how much you would like to borrow. Graduate Students May apply for the Graduate Plus Loan. Follow the same steps as the parent loan but log in as the student.
PARENT PLUS (Parents of Undergraduates) (Go to and have the parent who is applying for the loan log into the website. The parent will need to create an FSA ID and password at if they have not done so. If you know your FAFSA PIN number it will let you use the ID and password right away, all others will need to wait 3 days for Social Security check confirmation)
*Plus Loan application requires completion of a Parent Credit check and Master Promissory Note every year for processing. If a Parent Plus Loan is denied by the lender, contact if you wish to be awarded additional Unsubsidized Stafford loans. DO NOT BEGIN THE APPLICATION PROCESS UNTIL JUNE BECAUSE YOUR CREDIT APPROVAL IS ONLY FOR A SPECIFIC TIME FRAME AND COULD EXPIRE PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION BY THE INSTITUTION. A LOAN IS NOT CERTIFIED UNTIL A STUDENT’S FILE IS COMPLETE.
- Enter your e-mail if you would like to receive your correspondence electronically and press update
- On the left hand column under Plus Loan Process select Request Direct Plus Loan
- Choose Loan Type & then fill out required information to receive credit decision of either approved/ denied
- On the Left hand column click on Complete Counseling and then Entrance counseling.
- Choose your current education level and school information
- Read and answer the multiple choice questions
- When you reach the end you will get a confirmation Congratulating you on successfully completing the Entrance Counseling
- On the left hand column select COMPLETE MPN
- Complete Parent and Student personal , school, loan information and personal references information sections
- Read terms and conditions, review information and sign MPN by typing in your name as it appears on the FAFSA application.
If you borrowed a Federal Stafford loan last year at Saint Peter’s University you only have to sign the financial aid award letter accepting how much you want to borrow and return it to the Financial Aid Office.
Returning Federal Parent Plus Loan (Parent is the Borrower)
students wishing to borrow a Graduate plus loan use the following directions also
If the same parent borrowed a Federal Parent Plus loan last year at Saint Peter’s University they must only compete the following step but if it’s a different parent that is borrowing the loan than they must follow the directions for a new Federal Parent Plus loan Borrower
- Have the parent go to the web page and log in with their personal information and FAFSA PIN number
- On the left hand column under Plus Loan Process select Request Plus Loan
- Choose Loan Type and then fill out required information to receive a loan credit decision of either approved or denied.
- A student can be a borrower of the loan but most of the time a creditworthy cosigner will usually be needed in order for the loan to be approved and also to help lower the interest rate of the loan.
- Both cosigner and borrower must be citizens or legal permanent residents. International students must provide a copy of their student visa and cosigner must be a Citizen or Legal resident of the US.
- The application is completed at the respective loan company website.
- Student may borrow a loan amount up to the Cost of Attendance per school year.
- Loan companies may offer both or only Fixed or Variable interest rate loan options with also different repayment options that may vary per Loan Company.
- The following link includes a list of various loan options currently available to students. Students are not limited to only borrowing from the following list.
Private education loans may be available to you through a variety of lenders and banks to help cover the gap between the cost of attending Saint Peter’s University and the amount of other funding sources, including financial aid. To assist in your search, we invite you to use the Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union search tool!
With Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union’s platform, you can search and compare real, personalized private student loans offered from nation-wide lenders through a simple, three-minute form.