EOF Program
What is the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program?
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund was created by law in 1968 to ensure meaningful access to higher education for those who come from backgrounds of economic and educational disadvantage. The Fund assists low-income New Jersey residents who are capable and motivated but lack adequate preparation for college study.
For more general information about the State of New Jersey Department of Higher Education Opportunity Fund Program, please visit the official state website at: https://www.nj.gov/highereducation/EOF/EOF_Eligibility.shtml
EOF Mission Statement
The mission of the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program at Saint Peter’s University is to provide students who come from disadvantaged academic and economic backgrounds with the necessary skills to enroll and successfully complete their college education. Furthermore, the EOF Program provides a bridge by which to close the gap between students’ initial status and their academic development, and therefore, to build a stronger and more diverse student body.
EOF Dynamics
During the Academic Year Program, EOF helps enrich the college experience through connections to…
- your Personal Advisor helps you create an academic plan, assists in the financial aid process, and guides you to your post-SPU goals
- your Peer Mentors, and Tutors
- tutoring, mentorship, workshops, student leadership, student activities, academic enrichment, cultural enrichment trips, financial aid, and a large state-wide EOF network
EOF Support System
Benefits of EOF
Pre-College Summer Academy
- Gain a jump start to your college career
- Earn FREE 3 college credits
- Develop skills in Reading, Writing, and Math
- Access free tutoring
- Network with professors and administrators
- Learn about resources on campus
- Establish friendships with EOF students
Student Involvement Opportunities
- Academic, professional and personal coaching
- Peer mentoring
- EOF Student Association
- Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society
Must have a 3.0 GPA or better for two consecutive semesters