Laura Twersky, Genie Giuliani, and Jill Callahan, Biology
December 2013 – Laura Twersky, Genie Giuliani, and Jill Callahan of the Biology Department in collaboration with their students were awarded grants from the Tribeta Research Foundation. The research will be conducted during this academic year.
1). Cassandra Demosthenes and Munazza Rafique
Research advisor/collaborator: Dr. L. Twersky
The effects of curcumin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on neurulation and brain development in Xenopus laevis (clawed frog)
2). Afsha Gouse
Research advisors/collaborators: Dr. L. Twersky and Dr. E.R.Giuliani
Effects of erythropoietin on reciprocal inductive effects in eye development of Xenopus laevis (clawed frog)
3). Bernadette Sylla
Research advisors/collaborators: Dr. E. R. Giuliani and Dr. L. Twersky
The effects of endocrinedisrupting chemicals on Xenopus laevis neurodevelopment
4). Natia Molineros
Research advisor: Dr. J. Callahan
The antiplaque analysis of green tea and soursop and examination of synergistic effects with cinnamic and caffeic acids on Streptococcus mutans