Faculty Scholarship
A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2019
On Wednesday, October 30th, a writer’s reception was held for A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship in the O’Toole Library to honor faculty who had their work published. During the last two academic years (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2019), products included 92 peer-reviewed journal articles, 32 documentaries, 20 book chapters, 18 published conference proceedings, 15 published abstracts, 12 editorials, 12 book reviews, 12 art exhibitions, 11 books, 11 magazine articles, 10 edited books, 3 newspaper articles, 2 government reports, 1 encyclopedia entry, and 1 theater review for a total of 252 products. Sixty-eight members including two librarians, two deans, the provost, two emerita faculty members, and one retired distinguished faculty member from ALL departments contributed to the celebration. Research presentations were given by three faculty members:
Brandy Garrett Kluthe, Ph.D., Department of Biology
Using Biological Dating Techniques to Verify Folklore
Beth Adubato, Ph.D., Department of Criminal Justice
Football and Domestic Violence: Tackling the Issues
Scott Stoddart, Ph.D., Department of English
The Queer Aesthetics of Tom Ford’s Film Adaptations:
A Single Man and Nocturnal Animals
The entire list of publications is included here
A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2018
The 13th Annual Writers’ Reception was held on Wednesday, April 25th in the O’Toole Library. The event was to celebrate faculty publications during the last two years. Fifty members including three librarians, two deans, the provost, one emerita faculty member, and one distinguished member from 19 departments contributed to the celebration. Publications included 65 journal articles, 17 books, 6 published abstracts, 5 full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings, 3 documentaries, 2 magazine articles, 2 editorials, 2 edited newsletters, 1 newspaper article, 1 theater review, 1 newsletter article, 1 government report, and 1 white paper for a total of 152 products. David Gerlach, History, Jennifer Ayala, Education, and Yosra Badiei, Chemistry gave research presentations at the reception. A complete list of the publications is included here.
A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2017
A writer’s reception was held on April 26th in the O’Toole Library to honor faculty who have had their work published during the last two years (March 2015-February 2017). Publications included journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, newspaper articles, book and theater reviews, magazine articles, essays, editorials, documentaries, and full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings. Forty-seven members including one librarian, two deans, and one emerita faculty member from 19 departments were included in the celebration. Departments included Applied Science and Technology, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communication and Media Culture, Computer and Information Science, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Urban Studies, and the Library. Mary Kate Naatus, Christian Traba, and Mark DeStephano gave research presentations at the event. The entire list of publications is included here.

A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2016
On April 20th in the O’Toole Library, a reception was held to honor faculty who have published work during the last two years (March 2014-February 2016). Publications included journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, newspaper articles, book and theater reviews, magazine articles, essays, editorials, documentaries, and full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings. Thirty faculty members from Applied Science and Technology, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communication and Media Culture, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Sociology and Urban Studies were celebrated. Philip Plotch, Political Science and Public Administration, Dawn Nelson, Mathematics, and Timothy Nicholson, History, gave presentations on their research. Some of the publications are on display (First Floor of the Library). The entire list of publications is included here.

A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2015
On April 22nd in the O’Toole Library, a reception was held to honor faculty who have published work during the last two years (March 2013-February 2015). Publications included journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, newspaper articles, book reviews, magazine articles, essays, editorials, documentaries, and full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings. Thirty-one faculty members from Accountancy and Business Law, Applied Science and Technology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communication and Media Culture, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Urban Studies, and Theology were celebrated. Nicole Luongo, Education, Fatima Shaik, Communication and Media Culture, and Daniel Wisneski, Psychology, gave presentations on their research. Some of the publications are on display (First Floor of the Library). The entire list of publications is included here.
A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship 2014
On April 23rd in the O’Toole Library, a reception was held to honor faculty who have published work during the last two years (March 2012-February 2014). Publications included journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, newspaper articles, book reviews, magazine articles, essays, editorials, documentaries, and full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings. Thirty-two faculty members from Accountancy and Business Law, Applied Science and Technology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communication and Media Culture, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Urban Studies, and Theology were celebrated. Anna Brown, Political Science, William Gutsch, Applied Science and Technology, and Cynthia Walker, Communication and Media Culture gave presentations on their research. Some of the publications are on display (First Floor of the Library). The entire list of publications is included here.

Anna Brown

William Gutsch

Cynthia Walker
SPU Scholarship Study (2012)
Like the 2011 study, the 2012 study also included additional questions about non-teaching activities that could be considered scholarly by some definitions. These activities included unfunded grant proposals, consulting, service to the community, activity in professional organizations, and external partnerships/collaborations. The PDF can be found at this link: Scholarship Study 2012
SPC Scholarship Study (2008-2010)
In 2011, a follow-up study was conducted covering 2008-2010. In addition to peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, grants, published peer-reviewed abstracts, other publications, and conference presentations, a few more categories of scholarship were included: consulting, unfunded grant proposals, service to the community, participation in professional organizations, external partnerships/collaborations, and other outcomes. A PowerPoint presentation can be found at this link: Scholarship Study 2003-2010
SPC Scholarship Study (2003-2007)
During the 2007-2008 academic year, the OFRSP conducted a study of faculty scholarship at the College. There were several purposes of the study. One was to simply ascertain what kinds of activities the faculty have been engaged in during the last five years (2003-2007). It was also hoped that the study would reveal any trends in faculty scholarship. Is scholarship increasing? Decreasing? Staying the same?
All full-time faculty were asked to indicate details about their scholarly achievements and 97 percent responded to the request for information. Faculty were asked to provide information about: peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, grants, published peer-reviewed abstracts, other publications, conference presentations, and other outcomes (these could include but were not limited to: works of art, art shows, and multimedia productions).
In summary, publishing is on the increase at SPC and this increase is occurring across ranks. Congratulations to the faculty whose hard work has resulted in these positive trends. A Powerpoint presentation on the study can be found at this link: SPC Scholarship Study.
A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship
A reception was held on April 24th, 2013 in the Library to celebrate faculty scholarship. The event honored faculty who have published work during the last two years (March 2011-February 2013). Publications included journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books, newspaper articles, book reviews, magazine articles, monographs, essays, editorials, and full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings. Thirty-two faculty members from Accountancy and Business Law, Applied Science and Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Communications, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Urban Studies, and Theology were celebrated at this year’s reception. Three of these honorees, William Luhr, English, Nina Shapiro, Economics and Finance, and Wei-Dong Zhu, Applied Science and Technology, gave presentations on their research at the event. Some of the publications are on display in the library. The entire list of publications is included here 2013

Standing: Lori Buza, Andrea Bubka, Constance Wagner, Marilyn Cohen, David Surrey, Wei-Dong Zhu, Michael Finetti, Leonor Lega, Nina Shapiro, Kathy Motacki, Kathy Safford, Cynthia Walker Sitting: William Luhr, Matthew Fung, and Beatrice Mady

Nina Shapiro

Wei-Dong Zhu
SPC Publisher’s Wine & Cheese Receptions 2010, 2011, 2012
Receptions were held in April to celebrate full-time faculty who published in the previous two years. A PDF copy of the programs that includes a list of the honorees and their achievements can be found at the following links: Wine & Cheese Reception 2010; 2011; 2012
SPC Writer’s Lunch 2008
An SPC Writer’s Lunch was held on April 21, 2008, to honor SPC full-time faculty who published during the last two years. The event was co-sponsored by the Academic Dean CAS/SBA and the OFRSP. Interim Vice-President, Dr. Joan Connell, offered congratulatory remarks, Director of OFRSP, Dr. Frederick Bonato, gave a presentation on faculty scholarship 2003-2007, and Academic Dean CAS/SBA, Dr. Marylou Yam, offered closing remarks and reflections. Sixty-two faculty members were honored. A PDF copy of the program that includes a list of the honorees and their achievements can be found at this link: SPC Writer’s Lunch, 2008.