High School Model U.N. Comes to Saint Peter’s
On March 13 the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership hosted its 26th Annual High School Model U.N. conference. This year there were over 400 high school students from 20 schools throughout New Jersey.

The Guarini Institute’s Next Panel is October 24
Join the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership at their next panel discussion: “The N.J. Heroin and Opiate Crisis,” on October 24 in The Duncan Family Sky Room from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Panelists include James McGreevey, 52nd governor of New Jersey; Tim Eustace, assemblyman of the 38th legislative district; Cody Miller, councilman and council […]

Panelists Meet to Discuss the Impact of a $15 Minimum Wage
The Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership at Saint Peter’s University is dedicated to exploring key public policy issues at the local, state and national level. The latest panel hosted by the Institute on Tuesday, October 11 was focused on a critical issue in the state of New Jersey—raising the minimum wage to $15/hour. Read […]

A Discussion on the Impact of Pre-K Programs on Urban Communities
Last week, The Guarini Institute in collaboration with the Caulfield School of Education hosted Ora Welch, President & CEO, HOPES; Dr. Marcia Lyles, Superintendent, Jersey City Public Schools; Sam Crane, Coordinator, Pre-K Our Way to participate on a panel about the expansion of Pre-k programs in the state of New Jersey. The panel was moderated […]

The Guarini Institute sponsored it’s second economic development event: “The Casino Gaming Compromise”
The Guarini Institute sponsored it’s second economic development event entitled, The Casino Gaming Compromise, with Mayor Don Guardian (Atlantic City), Asemblyman Caputo and Mukherji, Jim Kirkos of the Meadowlands Chamber, and Betty Lewis, Director of the South Jersey NAACP. The panel was moderated by Chief Political Correspondent for NJTV, Michael Aron, and drew much media […]
Healthcare 2020: Mapping the Future Landscape
On March 16th, Senator Tom Kean Jr., Assemblyman Herb Conaway, senior administrators from Atlantic Health Systems, Barnabas Health, the NJ Hospital Association, NJBCBS, and Drs. Kirmani and Korya of the JFK Neuroscience Institute of New Jersey, spoke of the importance of healthcare systems to meet the challenges of the current climate in New Jersey. The […]
Special Advisor to the Iraqi Ambassador of the United Nations Visits Saint Peter’s University
Omar Humadi, Special Advisor to the Iraqi Ambassador of the United Nations, delivered the keynote address to the Guarini Institute’s High School Model UN program. With an audience of over 500 students and faculty, Mr. Humadi spoke of the importance for the youth involvement in global politics and democracy.
SPU Hosts the 25th Anniversary of the High School Model UN
With record breaking numbers, the university High School Model UN program, hosted by the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership, was a huge success! Over 25 high schools participated from all over the state. The director of the Guarini Institute provided welcome remarks, followed by Dr. O’Sullivan, the university’s provost and VPAA, who provided opening […]

Model UN Secretary-General Wins Award
Founded in 1955, the Harvard National Model U.N is the world’s most competitive Model U.N, hosting 3,000 students from over 200 universities and 70 countries. Saint Peter’s University has been partaking in the competition since 1988, winning several awards. This year, the University had the pleasure of representing Ecuador in the competition and students participated […]

Second Amendment Panel
Our gun control panel, in partnership with the Department of Criminal Justice, was an informative debate on the right to own and carry a gun, versus the need for more stringent gun control regulations. Panel experts included Governor Florio, Assemblyman Mukherji, Prosecutor Suarez, Alexander Roubian, and Jef Henninger. The panel was moderated by Judge Kevin […]