Guarini Institute For Government and Leadership

Committees and Topics

SPU HSMUN 2025 Committees and Topics

Conference Theme: The Future of Cities

United Nations Security Council (UNSC):
Topic A: Protecting Essential Urban Infrastructure in Conflict Areas
Topic B: Addressing the Impact of Piracy on Commercial Shipping & Trade

Commission on Population and Development (CPD):
Topic A: The Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
Topic B: Impacts of Aging Populations

Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN):
Topic A: Urban Finance: Prospects for Participatory Budgeting
Topic B: Addressing the Increased Threat of Tariffs

Social and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM):
Topic A: Protecting Places for Political Expression in Cities
Topic B: Increasing Wealth and Access to Capital for Women

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
Topic A: Increasing Agricultural Production in Cities
Topic B: The Opportunities and Challenges of Genetically Modified Foods

United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
Topic A: Supporting Preservation of Historic Urban Landscapes
Topic B: Assuring Continued Education in Areas of Conflict

United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA):
Topic A: Preparing Cities for Climate Change
Topic B: The Environmental Impacts of Artificial Intelligence

World Health Assembly (WHA):
Topic A: Addressing Poor Sanitation in Cities
Topic B: The Global Rise in Diabetes

Your students will have an opportunity to submit written position papers in response to issue briefs that we will make available prior to the conference.

Position papers will be due no later than February 20, 2025 at 5 pm. Papers submitted after this deadline will not be eligible for an award.

We hope you will be able to join us at our conference this year. If you have questions or would like more information about Saint Peter’s University HSMUN, please contact SPU HSMUN Coordinator Rebecca Marcillo-Gomez at call the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership at 201-761-6048.