Division of Information Technology


Meet Blackboard

Blackboard is a web-based course management tool utilized at Saint Peter's University as an extension of the regular face-to-face (F2F) classroom as well as a vehicle by which to offer online/web-based course offerings. It combines several tools into one easy-to use point and click Graphical User Interface (GUI) that anyone who can surf the web will find easy to access and utilize. Blackboard is a password-protected environment administered by Instructional Technology and supported by Information, Network and User Services.

Faculty, Employee and Student Materials

Instructional Technology will be working in conjunction with the Distance Learning Committee to provide Blackboard training for Faculty members. Please check the Distance Learning Committee Intranet site for scheduled workshops or to learn more. You can log in using your Saint Peter's ID and Password.

A Blackboard tutorial for Students and Employees can be found below.

Blackboard tutorials for Faculty can be found here:

Top 10 Blackboard FAQ's for Students and Faculty (Last Updated 8/11/2015)

Other tutorials will be made available throughout the year. Please check back often, as this page will be updated.

Get Help with Blackboard

Students, employees and faculty needing assistance with Blackboard should contact IT Client Services at servicedesk@saintpeters.edu, or via phone at (201) 761-7800. <!--

Students and Faculty needing assistance can contact Robert Adelson at (201) 761-7806 or by email at radelson@saintpeters.edu. For urgent assistance during non-business hours or weekends, students and faculty can call (201) 761-7800 for technical support.

Please note that it is no longer necessary for faculty to request shell creation using the Blackboard Course Shell Request Form. Shells are automatically created 4 weeks prior to the start of the term. If you have a special request for a shell that has not been created automatically, or do not see your shell appear when you log in to Blackboard, please contact Robert Adelson.-->