Mission Integration & Ministry

Service, Faith and Justice Educational Opportunities

Ignatian Family Teach-In

The Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ) is the largest annual Catholic social justice gathering in the United States. Coordinated by the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN), the Teach-In invites attendees to dialogue and strategize about ways to confront issues of injustice, poverty, and oppression on both the national and international level. Every fall semester, Saint Peter’s University participates in the unique opportunity to meet with others who share our passion for a more just world—a place where people are empowered, re-energized, inspired, challenged, and supported by a community that sees faith and justice are integrally linked.

March for Life

The right to life is a human right. Our defense of that right is a joyful witness to the beauty and dignity of every human person. Every January, Saint Peter’s University participates in the March for Life, which is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from all across the country. It’s the largest annual human rights demonstration in the world. But this is not just a protest… TOGETHER, WE GATHER TO CELEBRATE LIFE. We celebrate each and every life, from the moment of conception. We envision a world where these moments are celebrated, valued, and protected by everybody—both in the private sector and in the public sphere.

Alternative Spring Break

Bethlehem Farm is a Catholic Community in Appalachia that transforms lives through service with the local community and the teaching of sustainable practices. Volunteers are invited to join in living the Gospel cornerstones of service, prayer, simplicity, and community. Saint Peter’s University sends a delegation during our week of Spring Break.