This summer, students enrolled in unique study abroad programs. For more information about study abroad opportunities, contact Scott Keller at, director of the Center for Global Learning, or visit

Catherine Yorkgitis ’20 with Host Family
Catherine Yorkgitis ’20
Major: Nursing
Hometown: Basking Ridge, NJ
Study Abroad Location: Cuenca, Ecuador
Program: Medical Spanish Program with the Center for Interamerican Studies (CEDEI)
Q. What influenced your decision to study abroad?
A. I decided to study abroad because of my desire to learn Spanish. I have had classroom study of the language for many years but I wanted to dedicate some time to immerse myself in Spanish language and culture.
Q. Can you say a little more about the program where you were enrolled? What made it unique?
A. The name of the program I was enrolled in is called CEDEI. It is a small language school located in Cuenca, Ecuador. I took two Spanish classes each day, learning grammar in the morning and practicing conversations in the afternoon. In both classes, I spent two hours with my professor one-on-one! In between classes, I visited different health facilities such as the private and public hospitals, institute for cerebral palsy, health clinics, an addiction center and a day nursing home.
What made the program unique was this school was very small so the classes were catered specifically to me. My professors knew exactly what topics I needed to learn in grammar and I had the privilege of choosing the topics in conversation class. Because I am going to become a nurse, my classes focused primarily on healthcare terminology as well as learning about the healthcare system in Ecuador. What also made it unique was each weekend I was able to choose an excursion location. I chose to visit El Parque Nacional Cajas. My second excursion was to Ingapirca where I was given a private tour to the ruins.
Q. What was the most exciting thing about experiencing another culture?
A. One of the best parts of my trip was my host family. With my younger host sisters I watched movies like Coco (in Spanish, of course), played games (especially bingo) and shared meals with the whole family. I felt like I had become their big sister in just two short weeks.

Stephanie Falcon ’20 in London
Stephanie Falcon ’19
Major: International Business
Hometown: Mission, TX
Study Abroad Location: London, England
Program: Studied international project management at the University of Westminster through CEA Study Abroad
Q. Can you say a little more about the program and the university where you were enrolled?
A. The university that I attended is called Westminster University. This university is located in the heart of London, which helps the students appreciate the city in a unique way. The program that I chose to study abroad with was CEA. They gave me a lifetime experience that I will never forget.
Q. What did you learn while abroad?
A. I learned a lot. From learning how cultures can be very different from ours to learning more about myself. I think that studying abroad is something that every college student should experience. It helps you understand the world from a different perspective and appreciate cultures from around the world.
Q. What shocked you or was the most surprising to you about your experience?
A. The way they spoke! I loved their British accent but at the beginning, I had a very hard time understanding certain words and meanings. I thought because I spoke English that it was going to be pretty easy but it was not as easy as I thought it would be.
Q. What was the most exciting thing about experiencing another culture?
A. Their love for “futbol”! (soccer). I got the chance to be in London while the World Cup was going on and had the opportunity to cheer for England. It was an amazing experience.

Megan Grano ’19 in Ireland
Megan Grano ’19
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Middletown, NJ
Study Abroad Location: Galway, Ireland
Program: Studied Irish art and culture at the International Summer School at NUI Galway
Q. How did you decide where to go and what program to enroll in?
A. I have always dreamed about going to Ireland. Scott Keller, director of the Center for Global Learning, helped me narrow down universities to find the right one for me. I decided to enroll at The National University of Ireland at Galway (NUIG) for a few reasons. I wanted to be on the West coast of Ireland, because my family is from there, and stay for the longest amount of time possible for the best enrollment fee. I also wanted a university that offered class trips for the students to go on.
Q. Can you say a little more about the program and the university where you were enrolled?
A. At NUIG I was enrolled in two courses, “Introduction to Art in Ireland” and “Negotiating Identity in Irish Traditional Music and Dance.” My professors and advisers were awesome! My art class took a day trip to Dublin. We went to Trinity College, where we saw The Book of Kells and The Long Room of the Old Library. We were then able to walk around Grafton Street. Dublin was an amazing city! My song and dance class held seminars where you could learn the traditional dance of Western Ireland, Sean-nós dancing and the traditional music, Sean-nós singing.
Q. What shocked you or was the most surprising to you about experiencing a different culture?
A. I loved how welcoming and warm the Irish people were. You always hear about the welcoming Irish, and it was so nice to experience it. I also loved the pub culture. After classes and work most people go out to the pubs to meet up and have a pint and enjoy the local music. It was really awesome to go out with my new friends and just listen to local buskers play.
Q. What lessons did you learn that you brought back to America?
A. I learned to relax and enjoy life more. The lifestyle is a lot more laid back in Ireland and people are able to enjoy themselves after work. Family is also an important aspect within the Irish culture, which definitely enhanced the family lifestyle and appreciation that I already had.
- Stephanie Falcon ’19
- Stephanie Falcon ’19
- Stephanie Falcon ’19
- Megan Grano’ 19
- Megan Grano’ 19
- Megan Grano’ 19
- Catherine Yorkgitis ’20 with Host Family