Welcoming Our 23rd President

Hubert Benitez, D.D.S., Ph.D., began his role as the University’s 23rd president on July 1 following an extensive national search and unanimous selection by the Board of Trustees.

Here are five things to know about Saint Peter’s next president:

1. Formative years were spent in Colombia and the United States. Born in Colombia, Dr. Benitez spent his elementary school years in Pascagoula, Miss., after his father completed his college education in the United States and later pursued his career with International Paper Company. “My father was an immigrant to the United States, a first-generation college student and adult learner seeking a better future for him and later for our family,” said Dr. Benitez. His father’s work later brought the family back to Colombia, where Dr. Benitez attended high school and earned his first doctoral degree. Today, Dr. Benitez recognizes that the challenges to and through higher education remain the same for many students, especially those who are first-generation or who come from underrepresented, marginalized and immigrant student bodies. “I have no doubt that the University is well positioned to bridge those obstacles,” he stated. “It’s why I believe the opportunities at Saint Peter’s are truly endless, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”

2. Jesuit values are central to Dr. Benitez’s life and vocation. As a practicing Catholic, the 23rd president defines himself as a person of faith. He completed his first doctoral degree in dentistry from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, a Jesuit institution of higher learning in Bogotá, Colombia. At Saint Louis University, he earned a Ph.D. in higher education administration and worked as an administrator at several colleges and universities before serving in senior leadership posts at Rockhurst University. “Coming to Saint Peter’s, I truly feel I’m returning home because the Jesuit mission and values are aligned to who I am as a person,” said Dr. Benitez, who recently held the post of president at American International College in Springfield, Mass. “Providing opportunities to the communities that Saint Peter’s serves is very personal to me, and it’s not solely because I come from a Latino background and the University is a Hispanic Serving Institution. I want to be part of an institution that offers transformative experiences, promotes access to education, and where students, faculty and staff from all backgrounds have an opportunity to grow and flourish.”

3. Mentorship changed the course of his career. Dr. Benitez practiced dentistry for approximately 14 years, with an eye on returning to higher education to make a bigger difference. While pursuing a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Connecticut, he met his post-doc mentor, Edward Rossomando, D.D.S., Ph.D., “who changed my life completely. He saw in me skills I didn’t know I had.” With his mentor’s guidance, Dr. Benitez was able to assume greater leadership roles, from becoming a faculty member, a director, dean and provost and later overseeing strategic initiatives and academic innovation at Rockhurst University and the presidency at American International College. “I believe I owe [Dr. Rossomando] many of my achievements in higher education because his mentorship and guidance guided me through this path. This is why I believe in the value of mentorship.”

4. First 100 days of the presidency will center on listening and learning. “I come with an understanding of Jesuit Catholic education and an understanding of the challenges of the presidency of an institution of higher learning,” said Dr. Benitez. “What I don’t have yet, is an understanding of the working dynamics of Saint Peter’s and the individual needs of students, faculty and staff. You don’t learn about this by reading; you learn by truly listening.” Because communication and collaboration are very important to him, the first 100 days of the Benitez presidency will be dedicated to meeting with the University’s internal and external constituencies to hear and understand people’s perceptions and expectations of Saint Peter’s. “I want to learn about the hopes, desires and aspirations of the community from a personal and professional standpoint,” he added. “When people start asking me about my vision for Saint Peter’s, I will promptly respond that we’re going to collectively build a vision. The future of Saint Peter’s is not about me, it will be what we collectively want the University to be.”

5. Thumbs up for Jersey City. Dr. Benitez has been married for 35 years to his wife, Sandra, an architect. They have two adult children, Ana Ximena, and Daniel. The couple look forward to living in Jersey City. “We truly want to become members of the community,” said Dr. Benitez. “If you make a new place home, transitions are always easier. We’re looking forward to it.”

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