Residence Life

Room Selection

Room Selection is an annual process during which current undergraduate students select on-campus housing for the following academic year. Students choose from a variety of housing arrangements that include living with a group in doubles or apartments, or living in a single in a traditional residence hall.

Incoming First-Year Students

First-year students have the option to live in Millennium Hall or Whelan Hall and can select building preference on the housing application. Once the housing application has been submitted and approved, you can search for a potential roommate in Part II of the housing portal. If you find a suitable roommate, send them a request. If the person accepts, a roommate group is automatically formed. Selecting a roommate is an optional step in the housing process. If you have not found a roommate, the system will find a suitable match based on your responses in the roommate matching section of the housing portal.

We often find that students make connections with potential roommates during the summer and at summer events on campus, so we do not process assignments until mid-July. During processing, our staff will run the roommate and building matching process, where the system will assign roommates for those students not in a roommate group and assign all students to specific buildings and rooms. Students who apply after matching has occurred will be matched throughout the remainder of the summer and placed with other incoming students.

Graduate Students

Graduate students, including graduate assistants, are typically placed together by Residence Life in apartment-style housing. However, if you would like to participate in room selection, you may request to do so by contacting our office.

Returning and Transfer Students

Returning and transfer students have the option to participate in room selection, where current students (undergraduate and graduate) and incoming transfer students may pick their room for the upcoming academic year. In order to participate, you must be a current student (resident or commuter) and first submit a housing application for the upcoming academic year. The housing selection deadline will be announced via email. In order to participate in Room Selection, you must not have any outstanding judicial sanctions or Residence Life fines. Additionally, you must be registered for 12 credits or more for the Fall semester.

Commuter Students interested in the Room Selection process must have a $250 housing deposit on file prior to participating in Room Selection. After submitting your housing deposit through Enrollment Services, you can then complete the Housing Application online. If you have previously paid the $250 housing deposit and it is still on file, you do not need to submit an additional housing deposit.

Please note: Any current student who applies after the commencement of room selection may still choose their own room based on remaining availability or be manually placed by a member of our staff.

If you select a room during room selection, you will be renewing your housing agreement for the Fall AND Spring academic year. If your housing is cancelled or terminated prior to the completion of the upcoming academic year  you will not receive your housing deposit back.