Faculty Resources
Online Education Accessible to all
Saint Peter’s Online is dedicated to developing high quality, relevant and accessible online courses and programs for Saint Peter’s University. Our experienced Instructional Designers use Industry Best Practices, Blackboard LMS, Blackboard Tools, Publisher Resources, Accessibility Checkers and Web 2.0 Technology to meet the needs of every online student.
The Office of Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs (OFRSP) is located on the lower level of the O’Toole Library. The OFRSP offers assistance to faculty and administrators in locating, writing, and processing government grants. Also handled through the OFRSP, are internal faculty award applications such as those pertaining to fellowships and funds to do research.
You are invited to contact the Office of Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs by calling (201) 761-6300 (Debbie Kearney) or by emailing the Director, Rebecca Conley at rconley@saintpeters.edu. We will gladly discuss and provide information on all internal and external funding opportunities.
Mission and Purpose
The mission and purpose of the Saint Peter’s University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure and enhance the protection of the rights, welfare, and personal privacy of human research subjects, to enhance the education of students, faculty, and staff about the ethical and legal principles governing human subjects research, and to ensure compliance with all Federal regulations.
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning provides tools, resources and opportunities for collaboration among faculty. We support the development of faculty as teachers and scholars, grounded in the Jesuit mission.
The Office of Faculty Development assists faculty in numerous ways. We provide workshops, facilitate travel funds, organize new faculty orientation, arrange faculty days, coordinate the faculty fellowship program, and mentor new faculty.
You are invited to contact the Office of Faculty Development by calling (201) 761-6300 (Debbie Kearney) or by emailing the director, Rebecca Conley (rconley@saintpeters.edu).