Smoke-Free Policy
In addition to the University’s Smoking policy, all residence facilities are a smoke-free environment. The smoking of any substance is not permitted in any of the residence halls, including in individual rooms/apartments. As of October 2005, the State of New Jersey Legislature enacted a law that states: “smoking shall be prohibited in any building used as a student dormitory that is owned or operated or otherwise utilized by a school or institution of higher education.”
Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City seeks to foster the good health and well being of all members of its University community in the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis. Medical research confirms the many health risks of smoking and tobacco usage as well as the negative effects of second-hand smoke. In an effort to mitigate the health hazards of smoking and tobacco use, Saint Peter’s is becoming a fully smoke-free and tobacco-free institution beginning with the start of the 2017-2018 academic year and henceforth. The policy covers all property and vehicles owned, leased, rented, or operated by Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City and includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, dipping tobaccos, snuff, other smokeless tobacco, hookah, marijuana, cannabis and related electronic and other products.
The college-wide Smoking Policy Review Task Force studied this issue for two years and sought to be fair to all constituents. After lengthy deliberations, the task force decided on the policy stated herein which extends the existing smoking and tobacco ban inside University buildings to the outside. This policy means that smokers are allowed to smoke only in public areas outside the limits of the campus. The policy pertains to everyone associated with the Saint Peter’s University community including students, employees, contracted service employees, vendors and visitors.
Communication. The policy will be published widely through various University outlets and will be included in the Employee Handbook and The Net. Signage indicating that the University is smoke-free and tobacco-free will be posted on campus. Existing policies, regulations and penalties governing smoking and tobacco usage inside University property will remain in effect as promulgated.
Compliance. Anyone who elects to continue to smoke or use tobacco products on public sidewalks must stay clear of any building entrances and dispose of these items properly in the receptacles provided on the periphery of the campus. During the first year of implementation of this new outdoor policy, enforcement will consist of policy reminders by Campus Safety officers and other members of the community, without reprisals, along with distribution of educational material that fosters smoking and tobacco usage cessation.
Support to Foster Smoking and Tobacco Usage Cessation. The University will continue to sponsor programs and events that increase awareness of the negative effects and health risks of smoking and tobacco usage. The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office and the Health Services office will offer supportive services and information for those who wish to quit smoking and tobacco usage. A new email address – – is being established to offer resources for quitting and answer any questions about the policy.
The cooperation of all members of the Saint Peter’s university community is needed in order to ensure a healthy environment for everyone. Saint Peter’s in grateful for the respectful compliance with this policy.